The independent resource on global security

Climate change and risk

Plains in Kenya. Photo: Shutterstock
Plains in Kenya. Photo: Shutterstock

The predicted impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly visible. Environment and climate-related risks—including extreme weather events, water scarcity and the failure to adapt and mitigate climate change—are among the top risks the world faces. Policymakers, researchers and the public increasingly recognize the need to address climate-related security risks through cooperation and dialogue. 

SIPRI’s work on climate change and risk provides reliable insights on how climate-related security risks evolve and how they are interlinked and interact with different social, political and economic processes. SIPRI researchers also analyse how different policy organizations are responding to these risks and provide advice on conflict-sensitive adaptation, mitigation strategies and how international efforts for sustaining peace can be achieved. 

SIPRI’s Climate Change and Risk Programme is involved in a number of cross-cutting research themes, exploring topics such as gender, and issues such as food security, energy security and the Anthropocene. The Programme also looks closely at institutional responses in organizations such as the African Union, the European Union and the United Nations.


Climate change and security. Photo: Unsplash

This project aims to deepen knowledge on how, when and why climate-related security risks arise, and how these risks can be mitigated, strengthening human security and long-term sustainable peace (Sustainable Develop Goals 13 and 16).

Anti-desertification sand fences south of the town of Erfoud, Morocco

This project aims to critically examine how the dynamics of geopolitics, human security and global environmental change interrelate in an epoch referred to as ‘the Anthropocene’.

Farm, Tasmania, Australia. Photo: Unsplash

This project focuses on the linkages between food, security and climate change. It is part of a larger effort by SIPRI and WFP to better understand the role of food security in peacebuilding

Climate-related peace and security risks

This project aims to generate reliable, relevant, timely and actionable information and analysis on climate-related peace, security and development risks. The work will relate to specific countries and regions on the United Nations Security Council agenda.

Research staff

Dr Florian Krampe is the Director of Studies, Peace and Development, at SIPRI.
Dr Barbara Magalhães Teixeira is a Researcher in the SIPRI Climate Change and Risk Programme
Kheira Tarif is a Researcher in the SIPRI Climate Change and Risk Programme.
Katongo Seyuba is a Researcher in the SIPRI Climate Change and Risk Programme.
Abeer S. Ahmad is a Research Assistant in the SIPRI Climate Change and Risk Programme.
Dr Kyungmee Kim is an Associate Researcher in the SIPRI Climate Change and Risk Programme.
Dr Elise Remling is an Associate Senior Researcher in the SIPRI Climate Change and Risk Programme.
Nadine Andersen is a Research Assistant in the SIPRI Climate Change and Risk Programme.
Ann-Sophie Böhle is a Research Assistant in the SIPRI Climate Change and Risk Programme.