The independent resource on global security

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Accurate, dependable information is more important than ever. Invest in the facts.


The world has entered one of the most dangerous periods for international peace and security of the past 50 years. High geopolitical tensions, open war and a new nuclear arms race are compounded by the uncertainties of climate change, while artificial intelligence, the second quantum revolution and other emerging technologies could reshape our lives—and our security—in ways that are hard to predict.

Accurate, dependable information is more important than ever—not just to understand the world around us, but also to allow negotiation, de-escalation, cooperation and a path to peace.

SIPRI is one of the most trusted sources of independent data and insight on matters of international peace and security. Last year alone, more than 70 000 media articles published in 140 countries featured SIPRI’s data and analysis. SIPRI’s publications, online commentaries, public databases and Yearbook pages were accessed more than 1.5 million times, and the SIPRI website registered more than 3.6 million page views

Support from people and organizations like you helps us to keep the facts in the news and on the table wherever international peace and security are discussed.

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Our funding

Traditionally, SIPRI has been funded by governments, independent foundations, international and regional organizations. But their resources are increasingly stretched and their budget priorities changing in the new security environment. Your donation will help us to keep producing trusted data and independent, evidence-based analysis to inform public debate and policymaking.

Specifically, your donation will support:

  • Maintaining and updating SIPRI’s internationally trusted databases on world military expenditure, world nuclear forces, international arms trade, peace operations and more.
  • Providing interviews and background information to journalists from around the world.
  • Groundbreaking research on new security challenges.
  • Hosting regional dialogues to promote peace and understanding among adversarial actors.
  • Producing timely comment and analysis on the latest developments in international peace and security.

If you’d like to know more about what SIPRI does, please read our Annual Review and browse the website. You can also subscribe to our monthly newsletter, the SIPRI Update

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Keeping facts in the news

SIPRI research and SIPRI experts help the world’s media to keep their reporting on international security balanced and accurate. Among the major news stories we broke last year:

  • The SIPRI Top 100 arms producers had combined arms revenues of $632 billion in 2023. Read more.
  • Global military spending rose to a record level of $2.4 trillion in 2023. Read more.
  • Europe’s arms imports nearly doubled between 2014–18 and 2019–23. Read more.
  • Around 9585 nuclear weapons are held for potential use in nine countries’ military stockpiles. Read more.
  • How top arms exporters have responded to the war in GazaRead more.


How to donate

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  • Donations within Sweden are tax exempt.

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