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Katongo Seyuba


Katongo Seyuba

Katongo Seyuba

Katongo Seyuba is a Researcher in the SIPRI Climate Change and Risk Programme. His research focuses on climate-related security risks and policy actors’ responses, particularly in the context of Africa and other geographical areas.

He manages the Climate-Related Peace and Security Risks project, which focuses on generating reliable, timely, and actionable information and analysis on climate-related peace and security risks related to specific countries and regions on the UN Security Council agenda.

His other focus areas include research on Youth, Peace, and Security (YPS), particularly bridging the climate, peace, and security agenda with YPS and exploring how youth-led initiatives can be supported to address climate-related security risks. He has also conducted trainings on the implications of climate change for peace and security for various audiences, including UN field mission staff, youth groups, and other relevant stakeholders in the climate and peacebuilding fields.

Due to his research and policy contributions, Katongo was recognized in 2023 as one of the top 33 sustainability talents shaping the future by the Swedish Aktuell Hållbarhet. In 2024, he received an award from the Environmental Peacebuilding Association for outstanding early career contributions to environmental peacebuilding.

Before joining SIPRI, he worked in Sweden and Zambia on sustainable development, citizen participation, equality, and poverty reduction. In Sweden, he interned at the Swedish International Center for Local Democracy and chaired the Swedish Institute Network for Future Global Leaders (SI NFGL) at Lund University. In Zambia, he worked with the Government of the Republic of Zambia and volunteered with local NGOs and student associations.

Subject expertise

Climate change, Development, Sustainability

Regional expertise


English, Bemba, Nyanja (Chewa)

BA, Development Studies, University of Zambia

MSc, Development Studies, Lund University

External publications