Seyuba, K.: Climate, Peace and Security in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (SIPRI: March 2025)
Böhle, A.-S. and Tarif, K. : Solar Power and Environmental Peacebuilding in South-central Somalia (SIPRI: February 2025)
Böhle, A.-S. and Tarif, K.: Cultivating Change: Regenerative Agriculture and Peacebuilding in South-central Somalia (SIPRI: November 2024)
Bourhrous, A.: Community Dialogue as a Peacebuilding Tool: Insights From Environmental Dialogue in the Nineveh Plains of Iraq (SIPRI: November 2024)
Meijer, K. and Ahmad, A. S.: Unveiling Challenges and Gaps in Climate Finance in Conflict Areas (SIPRI: October 2024)
Tarif, K.: From Conflict to Collaboration: Co-funding Environmental Peacebuilding in South-central Somalia (SIPRI: September 2024)
Meijer, K. and A.-B. Böhle: Climate Change Adaptation in Areas Beyond Government Control: Opportunities and Limitations (SIPRI: September 2024) 12
Tarif, K. : Burning Ground: Tackling Climate Change and Conflict in South-central Somalia (SIPRI: May 2024)
Delgado, C., Hegazi, F. and Barnhoorn, A.: Environmental and Climate Justice, and the Dynamics of Violence in Latin America: Perspectives from a Regional Working Group on Climate Change, the Environment, Peace and Security in Latin America (SIPRI: February 2024)
de Coning, C. and Tarif, K. : How Does Climate Change Affect Peace and Security? (SIPRI: January 2024)
Kim, K. and Boulanin, V.: Artificial Intelligence for Climate Security: Possibilities and Challenges (SIPRI: December 2023)
Tarif, K. et al.: Climate, Peace and Security Research Paper: Insights on Climate, Peace and Security (SIPRI: December 2023)
Rist, L., Queiroz, C. and Norström, A.: Biosphere Security: Understanding the Connections between Conflict and Biodiversity (SIPRI: December 2023)
Klimes, M. et al.: The Battle for Truth on Water, Climate and the Environment: The Impact of Information Influencing Campaigns (SIPRI: December 2023)
Bourhrous, A. and Poignant Khafagi, E.: Environmental Politics in Gulf Cooperation Council States: Strengthening the Role of Civil Society (SIPRI: November 2023)
Iversen, T., O., Brodtkorb, I., B., Seyuba, K., Funnemark, A., Tarif, K., Ali, A., Kim, K., Koefoed, M.: Climate, Peace and Security Fact Sheet: Democratic Republic of the Congo (2023) (SIPRI: November 2023)
Tarif, K., Ali, A., Kim, K., Iversen, T., O., Koefoed, M., Seyuba, K.: Climate, Peace and Security Fact Sheet: Somalia (2023) (SIPRI: September 2023)
Kim, K., Seyuba, K., Tarif, K., , ., , ., , .: Climate, Peace and Security Fact Sheet: Yemen (2023) (SIPRI: June 2023)
Meijer, K. and Remling, E.: Enhancing the Conflict Sensitivity of National Adaptation Plans (SIPRI: May 2023)
Tarif, K.: Climate Change and Security in West Africa: Regional Perspectives on Addressing Climate-related Security Risks (SIPRI: March 2023)
Bremberg, N. and Bunse, S.: Climate, Peace and Security in a Changing Geopolitical Context: Next Steps for the European Union (SIPRI: February 2023)
Meijer, K. and Seyuba, K.: The Role of Development Actors in Responding to Environment and Security Links (SIPRI: December 2022)
Hegazi, F. and Seyuba, K.: The Social Side of Climate Change Adaptation: Reducing Conflict Risk (SIPRI: September 2022)
Bunse, S. et al: Mapping European Union Member States’ Responses to Climate-related Security Risks (SIPRI: September 2022)
Bunse, S. et al: Advancing European Union Action to Address Climate-related Security Risks (SIPRI: September 2022)
Broek, E. and Hodder, C. M.: Towards an Integrated Approach to Climate Security and Peacebuilding in Somalia (SIPRI: June 2022)
Tarif, K.: Climate Change and Violent Conflict in West Africa: Assessing the Evidence (SIPRI: February 2022)
Kim, K., Broek, E., Smith, S. E., Michel, D., De Nys, E. and Salazar Godoy, N.: Water Cooperation in the Horn of Africa: Addressing Drivers of Conflict and Strengthening Resilience (SIPRI: December 2021)
Lövbrand, E. and Mobjörk, M. (eds).: Anthropocene (In)securities: Reflections on Collective Survival 50 Years After the Stockholm Conference (Oxford University Press: September 2021) Hardback, 978–0–19–878730–3, pp. 149, ORDER NOW
Hegazi, F., Krampe, F., Smith, E.: Climate-related Security Risks and Peacebuilding in Mali (SIPRI: April 2021)
Remling, E., Barnhoorn, A.: A Reassessment of the European Union’s Response to Climate-related Security Risks (SIPRI: March 2021)
Remling, E., , .: Climate-related Security Risks in the 2020 Updated Nationally Determined Contributions (SIPRI: January 2021)
Mobjörk, M., Krampe, F., Tarif, K.: Pathways of Climate Insecurity: Guidance for Policymakers (SIPRI: November 2020)
Sherman, J. and Krampe, F.: The Peacebuilding Commission and Climate-related Security Risks: A More Favourable Political Environment? (SIPRI and International Peace Institute: September 2020)
Aminga, V., M.: Policy Responses to Climate-related Security Risks: The African Union (SIPRI: May 2020)
Krampe, F., van de Goor, L., Barnhoorn, A., Smith E. and Smith, D.: Water Security and Governance in the Horn of Africa (SIPRI: March 2020)
Mobjörk, M., , .: Framing and Responding to Climate-related Security Risks in Swedish Development Cooperation (SIPRI: January 2020)
Bremberg, N.: EU Foreign and Security Policy on Climate-related Security Risks (SIPRI: November 2019)
Eklöw, K. and Krampe, F.: Climate-related Security Risks and Peacebuilding in Somalia (SIPRI: October 2019)
Born, C., Eklöw, K. and Mobjörk, M.: Advancing United Nations Responses to Climate-related Security Risks (SIPRI: September 2019)
Schaar, J.: A Confluence of Crises: On Water, Climate and Security in the Middle East and North Africa (SIPRI: July 2019)
Krampe, F., Nordqvist , P.: Climate Change and Violent Conflict: Sparse Evidence from South Asia and South East Asia (SIPRI: September 2018)
Krampe, F., Scassa, R. and Mitrotta, G.: Responses to Climate-related Security Risks: Regional Organizations in Asia and Africa (SIPRI: August 2018)
Bremberg, N.: European Regional Organizations and Climate-related Security Risks: EU, OSCE and NATO (SIPRI: February 2018)
Dullmuth, L. M., Gustafsson, M., Bremberg, N. et al.: IGOs and Global Climate Security Challenges: Implications for Academic Research and Policymaking (SIPRI: December 2017)
Vivekananda, J; Fetzek, S., Mobjörk, M., Sawas, A. and Wolfmaier S.: Action on Climate and Security Risks (Clingendael, adelphi, SIPRI and Center for Climate and Security: December 2017)
Zhou, J.: National Climate-related Security Policies of the Permanent Member States of the United Nations Security Council (SIPRI: December 2017)
Mobjörk, M. and Smith, D.: Translating Climate Security Policy into Practice (Clingendael and SIPRI: March 2017)
Born, C.: A Resolution for a Peaceful Climate: Opportunities for the UN Security Council (SIPRI: January 2017)
Mobjörk, M., Gustafsson, M.-T., Sonnsjö, H. et al: Climate-Related Security Risks: Towards an Integrated Approach (SIPRI and Stockholm University: October 2016)
Mobjörk, M.: Integrated Policy Responses for Addressing Climate-related Security Risks (SIPRI: October 2016)
van Baalen, S. and Mobjörk, M: Climate Change and Violent Conflict in East Africa: Implications for Policy May 2016)
Westing, A., H.: Global Resources and International Conflict: Environmental Factors in Strategic Policy and Action (Oxford University Press: 1986) Hardback, 0-19-829104-3, 280 pp.
Westing, A., H.: Environmental Warfare: A Technical, Legal and Policy Appraisal (Taylor & Francis: 1984) Hardback, 0-85066-278-8, 107 pp.
Westing, A., H.: Warfare in a Fragile World: Military Impact on the Human Environment (Taylor & Francis: 1980) Hardback, 0-85066-187-0, 249 pp.