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The Peacebuilding Commission and Climate-related Security Risks: A More Favourable Political Environment?

The Peacebuilding Commission and Climate-related Security Risks: A More Favourable Political Environment?
Publisher: SIPRI and International Peace Institute
SIPRI and International Peace Institute, Stockholm and New York:
September, 2020

Climate change and the associated climate-related security risks increase instability and have significant adverse effects on peace­building. Within the United Nations, there is a lack of consensus on which organs are most appropriate to respond to climate-related security risks. The Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) has demonstrated a growing role as a forum for member state discussions on this issue. The PBC, with an emphasis on national ownership, has a mandate to work across the peace and security, development and human rights pillars of the UN; bring together the Security Council, Economic and Social Council, General Assembly and other organs of the UN; and convene relevant stakeholders from within and outside the UN system. This study shows that these attributes combine to make the PBC uniquely positioned as a forum for states to seek international support in relation to emerging climate-related security challenges.


I. Introduction

II. Climate change, peacebuilding and sustaining peace

III. The role of the Peacebuilding Commission

IV. Climate-related security risks in the Peacebuilding Commission   

V. Climate-related opportunities for the Peacebuilding Commission  

VI. Conclusions: Move slowly, steadily—and forward




Dr Florian Krampe is the Director of the SIPRI Climate Change and Risk Programme.
Jake Sherman is the Senior Director for Programs for the International Peace Institute.