González Muñoz, R. and Portela, C.: The EU Space Strategy for Security and Defence: Towards Strategic Autonomy? (SIPRI: June 2023)
Brockmann, K. and Raju, N.: NewSpace and the Commercialization of the Space Industry: Challenges for the Missile Technology Control Regime (SIPRI: October 2022)
Davis, I., Maletta, G., Bruun, L., Wezeman, P., D., Wezeman, S., T., Raju, N.: 13. Conventional arms control and regulation of new weapon technologies (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2022) Dr Ian Davis , Giovanna Maletta, Laura Bruun, Pieter D. Wezeman, Siemon T. Wezeman and Nivedita Raju
Bruun, L., Raju, N., Richards, L., Wezeman, P., D., Wezeman, S., T., Richards, L., Davis, I.: 13. Conventional arms control and regulation of new weapon technologies (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2021) Laura Bruun, Nivedita Raju, Luke Richards, Pieter D. Wezeman, Siemon T. Wezeman, Luke Richards and Dr Ian Davis
Raju, N.: A Proposal for a Ban on Destructive Anti-Satellite Testing: A Role for the European Union (SIPRI: April 2021)