The independent resource on global security

Past News and Events

Security and economy on the Belt and Road

The roundtable discussion and report release focus on security implications of China's Belt and Road Initiative.

SIPRI convenes annual EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Conference

SIPRI hosted the 2017 EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Conference at Egmont Palace in Brussels on 12–13 December 2017.

Frontiers in climate, resilience and security

Climate change related phenomena such as rising sea-levels, drought and resource scarcities are contributing conditions to social unrest and human insecurity. Livelihoods, food security and migration are all affected.

SIPRI presents report at strategic trade controls workshop in Taipei

Kolja Brockmann, Research Assistant in the SIPRI Dual-use and Arms Trade Control Programme, presented SIPRI’s report, ‘

SIPRI launches landmark Malian Women’s Network in Bamako

SIPRI launched the inaugural meeting of the Malian Women’s Network for Security Council Resolution 1325 on 23 and 24 November 2017 in Bamako with the support of the Embassy of Sweden in Mali and in partnership with the Malian National Coalition of Civil Society for Peace and the Fight Against the Proliferation of Light Weapons (CONASCIPAL).