The independent resource on global security

Arms embargoes

Arms embargoes are a type of sanction that can be used to coerce states and non-governmental actors to improve their behaviour in the interests of international peace and security.

SIPRI Arms embargo archive

This archive contains information on all multilateral arms embargoes that have been implemented by an international organization, such as the EU or UN, or by a group of nations. It includes both legally binding embargoes and those that are solely political commitments. It provides details of the aims, scope and amendments to all arms embargoes that are in force, or have been in force since 1998 and to most that were in force since 1950. The archive is constantly updated to include information on new arms embargoes or significant modifications to existing arms embargoes.

Annual summaries of arms embargo related events can be found at:
Mandatory UN embargoes
Target Entry into force Suspended Lifted Establishing document
Afghanistan (Taliban) 16 January 2002 UNSCR 1333
Angola (UNITA) 9 December 2002 UNSCR 864
Central African Rep. (NGF) UNSCR 2127
Cote d'Ivoire 28 April 2016 UNSCR 1572
Eritrea 15 May 2001 UNSCR 1298
Eritrea 14 November 2018 UNSCR 1907
Ethiopia 15 May 2001 UNSCR 1298
Haiti 29 September 1994 29 September 1994 UNSCR 841
Haiti UNSCR 2653
Iran 18 October 2023 UNSCR 1737
Iraq (NGF since 2004) UNSCR 661
ISIL, Al-Qaeda and associated individuals and entities UNSCR 1390
Lebanon (NGF) UNSCR 1701
Liberia (NGF since 2009) 26 May 2016 UNSCR 788
Libya 5 April 1999 12 September 2003 UNSCR 748
Libya (NGF) UNSCR 1970
North Korea (DPRK) UNSCR 1718
Rwanda (NGF since 1995) 10 July 2008 UNSCR 918
Sierra Leone (NGF since 1998) 29 September 2010 UNSCR 1132
Somalia (NGF since 2023) UNSCR 733
South Africa 25 May 1994 UNSCR 418
South Sudan UNSCR 2428
Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) 21 December 1979 UNSCR 232
Sudan (Darfur region) UNSCR 1556
Taliban UNSCR 1390
Yemen (NGF) UNSCR 2216
Yugoslavia (FRY) 1 October 1996 UNSCR 2216
Yugoslavia (FRY) 10 September 2001 UNSCR 1160
Non mandatory UN embargoes
Target Entry into force Suspended Lifted Establishing document
Afghanistan 25 October 2001 UNSCR 1076
Eritrea 17 May 2000 UNSCR 1227
Ethiopia 17 May 2000 UNSCR 1227
Nagorno-Karabakh (Azerbaijan) 2002 UNSCR 853
South Africa 4 November 1977 UNSCR 181
EU embargoes
Target Entry into force Suspended Lifted Establishing document
Afghanistan 26 February 2001 96/746/CFSP
Afghanistan (Taliban) 27 May 2002 2001/154/CFSP
Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Osama Bin Laden 2002/402/CFSP
Belarus 2011/357/CFSP
Bosnia and Herzegovina 23 January 2006 EC declaration
Central African Republic 2013/798/CFSP
China EC declaration
Cote d'Ivoire 9 June 2016 2004/852/CFSP
Croatia 20 November 2000 EC declaration
DRC (NGF since 2003) EC declaration
Egypt EU agreement
Eritrea 31 May 2001 1999/206/CFSP
Eritrea 12 December 2018 2010/127/CFSP
Ethiopia 31 May 2001 1999/206/CFSP
Guinea 14 April 2014 2009/788/CFSP
Indonesia 17 January 2000 1999/624/CFSP
Iran 2007/246/CFSP
Iraq (NGF since 2004) EC declaration
Lebanon (NGF) 2006/625/CFSP
Liberia 20 June 2016 2001/357/CFSP
Libya 11 October 2004 EC declaration
Libya 2011/137/CFSP
Myanmar (Burma) EC declaration
Nigeria 1 June 1999 95/515/CFSP
North Korea (DPRK) 2006/795/CFSP
Russia 2014/512/CFSP
Sierra Leone (NGF) 29 October 2010 98/409/CFSP
Slovenia 16 February 1996 10 August 1998 EC declaration
Somalia 2002/960/CFSP
South Sudan 2011/423/CFSP
Sudan 94/165/CFSP
Syria 28 November 1994 EC Declaration
Syria 2011/273/CFSP
Ukraine 16 July 2014 EU agreement
Uzbekistan 31 October 2009 2005/792/CFSP
Venezuela EU 2017/2063
Yemen EU 2015/878
Yugoslavia (FRY) 8 October 2001 EC declaration
Zimbabwe 2002/145/CFSP
Other multilateral embargoes
Target Entry into force Suspended Lifted Establishing document
Burundi (7 C/E African States) 23 January 1999 -
Guinea (ECOWAS) 25 March 2011 -
Nagorno-Karabakh (Azerbaijan) (OSCE) OSCE statement
Nigeria (Commonwealth) November 1999 -
Syria (League of Arab States) LAS statement
Togo (African Union) 28 May 2005 -
Togo (ECOWAS) 26 February 2005 -

Acronyms: DRC = Democratic Republic of Congo (former Zaire); FRY = Federal Republic of Yugoslavia; CFSP = Common Foreign and Security Policy; EC = European Community; EU = European Union; 

LAS = League of Arab States; NGF = Non-Governmental Forces; OSCE = Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe; UNITA = National Union for the Total Independence of Angola; UNSCR = UN Security Council Resolution.