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EU arms embargo on Guinea

In October 2009 EU Council Common Position 2009/788/CFSP imposed sanctions on Guinea in response to the violent crack-down by Guinean government forces on political demonstrators in September 2009 and concerns about the general political situation in the country. The sanctions included an arms embargo, an embargo on the supply of equipment which might be use for internal repression as well as travel sanctions against the members of the Guinean Government.

The embargo was regularly extended for a one-year period. By early 2014 the political situation in Guinea had changed considerably, leading, among other things, to free elections in May 2014. In reaction, the EU lifted the arms embargo in April 2014

Last updated on
Embargo type: EU embargoes
Entry into force:
Lifted: 14 April 2014
Establishing document: 2009/788/CFSP