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AIDS and Migration

There have been great advances in curative and preventive interventions for people living with HIV/AIDS, but discrimination and stigmatization are still a problem, particularly for refugees and internally displaced persons.

World Diabetes Day – Diabetes in conflict areas

Non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes, increasingly contribute to morbidity and mortality in conflict settings, and the burden of those diseases has become prominent especially in middle-income settings.

Climate change, food security and conflict

Although climate change is defined using environmental terms, it should be understood in a comprehensive framework taking into account conflict, food security and health. The official definition, according to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is 'a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods'. Yet this masks the wider set of issues within the climate debate – the ways in which climate change endangers livelihoods and threatens peace through climate-induced resource conflicts.

Transnational Organized Crime and Public Health in West Africa

In July 2012 the New York Times reported that the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is expanding its war on drugs to various countries in the regions of East and West Africa. However, such efforts may prove to be too little too late if the West wishes to enact a meaningful intervention in a part of the world that is perhaps the most fertile ground for transnational organized crime.

In Afghan fields

June 2012 marks what many have called a milestone in the ongoing war on narco-terrorism: the sentencing of Haji Bagcho, the biggest opium and heroin dealer in Central Asia.

A health expert at the World Bank, a new horizon for Global Health?

Dr Jim Yong Kim was officially announced as the new president for the World Bank in April. Dr Kim has an extensive background within the global health sphere, which could make a great difference in the World Bank's future investment in global health.

The use of health as a tool of repression in Syria

A recent report from Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) has highlighted the brutality of the Assad regime in its continuing attemt to curb the nationwide uprising in Syria.

Animal and human health, one health approaches

The complex relationships among animal health, human health, agriculture and food security were the topic of a forum on the One Health movement in Davos.

China, HIV and the Global Fund

As ‘traditional’ donors to the Global Fund, the international organization fighting AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, cut back, it's time for emerging economies to get more involved.

From Iowa: The US elections and global health

Although the United States has not met United Nations targets in terms of Official Development Assistance spending as a percentage of gross national income, it still provides more aid than any other country. This could change after the US election.