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SIPRI Fact Sheets

North Korea’s Nuclear Test Explosion, 2009

On 25 May 2009 the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK, or North Korea) conducted what is widely believed to be a nuclear test explosion. Following the event, a combination of seismology, radionuclide monitoring and satellite imagery analysis was employed by the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), individual states and many research institutions to verify whether there had indeed been an explosion and, if so, its characteristics such as location, yield and nature.

Multilateral Peace Operations: Asia, 2008

This new SIPRI Fact Sheet presents data from SIPRI’s Multilateral Peace Operations Database to illuminate some of the most significant developments in peace operations in Asia in 2008 as well as trends over the decade since 1999. It includes statistical data on numbers of peacekeeping personnel, the organizations and countries mounting operations and deploying personnel, along with a map of peace operations that were active during 2008.

Multilateral Peace Operations: Europe, 2008

This new SIPRI Fact Sheet presents data from SIPRI’s Multilateral Peace Operations Database to illuminate some of the most significant developments in peace operations in Europe in 2008 as well as trends over the decade since 1999. It includes statistical data on numbers of peacekeeping personnel, the organizations and countries mounting operations and deploying personnel, along with a map of peace operations that were active during 2008.

Multilateral Peace Operations: Africa, 2008

This new SIPRI Fact Sheet presents data from SIPRI’s Multilateral Peace Operations Database to illuminate some of the most significant developments in peace operations in Africa in 2008 as well as trends over the decade since 1999. It includes statistical data on numbers of peacekeeping personnel, the organizations and countries mounting operations and deploying personnel, along with a map of peace operations that were active during 2008.

Chronology of Armaments, Disarmament and International Security 2008

This chronology lists the significant events in 2008 related to armaments, disarmament and international security. In addition to the headline-grabbing events, such as the Georgia–Russia conflict and the pirate attacks off Somalia, it also records the less publicized, but no less important, advances and setbacks in international peace and security.

Om kärnvapen och försöken att stoppa deras spridning

Sedan Warszawapakten upplöstes och världen inte längre delas upp i två maktblock är fokuseringen på kärnvapen i massmedierna inte så stor. Någon terrorbalans mellan de bådastormakterna existerar inte längre, och faran för ett globalt kärnvapenkrig anses ha försvunnit, eftersom kapprustningen tycks ha bromsats. Den allmänna uppfattningen tycks t o m vara att kärnvapen inte längre är ett problem.

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