As part of its March activities in Bamako, SIPRI and CONASCIPAL (National Coalition of Civil Society for Peace and the Fight Against the Proliferation of Light Weapons) engaged in supporting the establishment of an inclusive White Book Committee which will guide the generation of the first Civil Society White Book for Peace and Security on challenges for the Malian population.
Once finalized, the White Book will present policy options and concrete recommendations for long-standing stability in the country.
The Committee consists of a broad range of key actors in Mali with representatives from five major national civil society organisations, five main research centres on peace and security, three former Malian prime ministers, and the media. This broad-ranging membership ensures that it is inclusive and representative of the variety of views within the Malian civil society. The White Book Committee will also benefit from the expertise of the individuals and organisations participating in the preparation of this document.
The first plenary session of the White Book Committee was held on 4 March 2017, at the Azalaï Grand Hôtel in Bamako.
About the project
The project, Building a lasting peace in Mali: contributions of civil society to security policies for the population (Construire une paix durable au Mali: contributions de la société civile aux politiques de sécurité des populations), collaborates with local stakeholders and civil society organizations in 35 Malian municipalities to monitor and document the security situation, its perceived causes and suggestions for policy action. The project will disseminate its findings through short video films and interviews shared on social media and a White Book to inform national and international policy-makers on challenges, local perspectives and options to address insecurity and other related issues in Mali.
The project is supported by the Embassy of Sweden in Mali.
Follow the project’s activities on Twitter with #MaliPaix and #Mali4Peace or on Facebook via SIPRI's Facebook page or CONASCIPAL's Facebook page.