More than a year after the peace agreement in Mali, SIPRI is pleased to announce the continuation of its onsite work in Mali in partnership with the Bamako-based organization CONASCIPAL (National Coalition of Civil Society for Peace and the Fight against the Proliferation of Small Arms). The work closely involves Malian civil society organizations to help build a durable and stable peace in the country.
The project, Building a lasting peace in Mali: contributions of civil society to security policies for the population (Construire une paix durable au Mali: contributions de la société civile aux politiques de sécurité des populations), will collaborate with local stakeholders and civil society organizations in 35 Malian municipalities to monitor and document the security situation, its perceived causes and suggestions for policy action. The project will disseminate its findings through short video films and interviews shared on social media and a White Book to inform national and international policy-makers on challenges, local perspectives and options to address insecurity and other related issues in Mali.
Speakers at the launch event on 6 October 2016 at the Azalai Grand Hotel in Bamako included the Swedish Ambassador to Mali, the Minister of Security and the Minister of Decentralization as well as representatives from other ministries, women's organizations, youth organizations, MINUSMA and the EU delegation.
Under the co-presidency of the Malian Minister of Security and Civilian Protection, Brigadier General Salif Traoré and the Swedish Ambassador to Mali, SE Madame Eva Emnéus, the launch seminar facilitated discussions on existing security policies and ongoing reforms, the support of the international community and possible contributions by Malian civil society. Among the 70 participants—including national and local government officials, civil society and international organisations representatives, academics, and the media—the Commissioner in charge of the security sector reform, Inspector General Ibrahima Diallo, provided an overview of Mali’s new security policy.
A succinct presentation on the implementation of Resolution 1325 within the framework of the ongoing security sector reforms was also delivered by a representative of the Ministry for Women, Children and Family affairs, Madame Konaté Bintou Maiga. From the international community, Mr Francois-Xavier Delestre of the European Union Delegation in Mali offered the participants a brief overview of EU’s strategies in support of the recovery and peace consolidation in Mali, while MINUSMA’s contributions to the security and safety of the population were presented by Madame Aissatou Jobe. The launch seminar also benefited from the participation and contributions of civil society representatives as well as representatives of regional collectivities, such as the president of the regional assembly of Kidal, Honorable Hominy Belco Maiga.
The project is supported by the Embassy of Sweden in Mali.
Follow the project’s activities on Twitter with the hashtags #MaliPaix and #Mali4Peace or on Facebook via SIPRI's Facebook page or CONASCIPAL's Facebook page.