The independent resource on global security

2022 Stockholm Security Conference

2022 Stockholm Security Conference

Online event

On 8–14 November, SIPRI will convene the seventh annual Stockholm Security Conference, this year under the heading of ‘Trends of Conflict and Warfare in the 21st Century: Effects and Impact of the War in Ukraine’. The conference will be held in a virtual format with more information forthcoming.

When last year’s conference launched a series on the theme ‘Battlefields of the Future, war as a phenomenon was expected to continue. However, nobody expected or could predict the type of war being witnessed in Ukraine: a contemporary interstate war in Europe. This war is considered a game changer. What does that mean for battlefields of the future?

Against this backdrop, the 2022 conference will focus on the means and methods of warfare used in Ukraine and what implications they have for military spending, the development of new weapons and the role of information warfare. The conference will also explore the effects of the war on the global multilateral system and regional dynamics as well as on old and new nuclear risks. The concepts of protection of civilians and urban warfare discussed during the 2021 conference have become even more relevant. This year’s conference will explore the complexities surrounding the protection of civilians with a particular focus on gender, peacekeeping and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) perspectives.

SIPRI produced a short film that summarizes key findings from the hybrid 2021 Stockholm Security Conference on ‘Battlefields of the Future: Trends of Conflict and Warfare in the 21st Century’. Footage of the discussions from last year’s conference is available on SIPRI’s YouTube channel.

Conference programme

Download the agenda PDF. Browse the conference programme here or in the top right menu.

Registration information

Register for the online sessions by clicking here


Conference inquiries

For more information, please contact the conference organizing team at

Media contacts

For media enquiries, please contact Alexandra Manolache, Media and Communications Officer (, +46 76 628 61 33) or Stephanie Blenckner, Director of Communications (, +46 8 655 97 47).