On 8–14 November, SIPRI will host the seventh annual Stockholm Security Conference, this year under the heading of ‘Trends of Conflict and Warfare in the 21st Century: Effects and Impact of the War in Ukraine’.
Browse the conference programme below and download the agenda PDF.
Register for the online sessions by clicking here.
Tuesday, 8 November
The means and methods of warfare used in Ukraine: Lessons and implications
13:00–14:15 Global military spending and the war in Ukraine
14:45–16:00 What weapons are significant for current and future warfare? Lessons learned from recent conflicts
16:30–17:45 Strengthening conflict prevention: Lessons learned from the pre-war period
Wednesday, 9 November
Effects of the war in Ukraine on the global multilateral system and on regional dynamics
11:00–12:15 Asia reacts to the war in Ukraine: Geopolitical implications for the region
12:45–14:00 Reverberations from Ukraine to MENA: The impact of the war on MENA’s geopolitics, energy and food security
14:30–15:45 Multilateral sanctions and trade controls: The current and future impact of the war in Ukraine
16:15–17:30 Echoes of the war in Ukraine: Disinformation and power shifts in the Sahel
Thursday, 10 November
New and old nuclear risks, strategic ambiguities
13:00–14:15 Strategic stability at sea: Nuclear-armed submarines, anti-submarine warfare and underwater drones
14:45–16:00 Dual-capable missiles and non-nuclear missiles with strategic effect: Are current control regimes fit for purpose?
16:30–17:45 Attacks on civilian infrastructure: How to ensure the safety and security of nuclear power plants in an armed conflict
Friday, 11 November
Civilians protected or targeted? Implications in and beyond the battlefield
The sessions held on 11 November have been made possible by the generous financial support of the Embassy of Ireland in Sweden.
13:15–14:30 Protecting civilians in Ukraine
15:00–16:15 Peace operations, private military companies and the protection of civilians
This session is by invitation only.
16:45–18:00 Protecting the whole community: Using gender to improve POC outcomes in UN Peacekeeping
This session is by invitation only.
Monday, 14 November
17:00–18:30 Concluding event
Ukraine, climate, cyber, food—A world of challenges: What next?
In person and live-streamed on SIPRI's YouTube channel.
Conference inquiries
For more information, please contact the conference organizing team at sthlmseccon@sipri.org.