The conference report, published in the 'SIPRI Insights on Peace and Security' series, can be found here.
The 2016 Stockholm Security Conference on Secure Cities was covered by the Smart & Resilient Cities network. The network published three articles based on discussions at the Conference.
Why Stakeholder Engagement Is Essential To Resilience
How do we measure resilience-and should we even try? Panellists at the Stockholm Security Conference, including Ted Berger, Chicago Office of Emergency Management and Communications Chief of Staff and Ida Texell, Stockholm’s Fire and Rescue Service, suggested that resilience efforts should instead focus on collaboration and community-led governance.
Worst-Case Resilience Scenario: A Look At Aleppo
With mounting reports of trapped residents, water shortages and a growing war economy, Aleppo is a city in dire crisis. The panel featured in this article discussed the healthcare situation in the city, with hospital regularly bombed, and the eroding respect for international humanitarian law.