The independent resource on global security

Introduction. Towards a pluralistic security system




‘In the post-cold war period, new threats and risks have emerged, while
some of the 'old' ones continue to exist. The risk of an outbreak of
global nuclear war has diminished, but the danger of proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction has increased. The serious threat at
present is the loss of control of developments by the great powers, the
multilateral security organizations and the states on whose territories
conflicts have broken out. The international system, based on the
principles of interaction of sovereign states, is eroding. . . . The
new security system will express the political philosophy of a
pluralistic community rather than a specific model or set of abstract
assumptions. The comprehensive nature of such a system should reflect
three fundamental objectives of peace: security; social and economic
welfare; and respect for human rights, justice and organization of
society based on the rule of law.’
