New SIPRI research takes stock of the women, peace and security agenda |
To mark the 24th anniversary of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security (WPS), SIPRI is pleased to share its recent work on the WPS agenda. This new page collages all the recent SIPRI work on this topic. It includes new SIPRI data, a video interview and multiple commentary pieces.
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SIPRI Yearbook 2024 summary now available in 14 languages |
The summary of SIPRI Yearbook 2024 has now been translated into Arabic, French, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Ukrainian. The summaries can be downloaded from the SIPRI website, alongside the English version. The SIPRI Yearbook is a compendium of cutting-edge information and analysis on developments in armaments, disarmament and international security. SIPRI is grateful to all its translation partners.
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SIPRI convenes Chinese, Russian, US and European experts for cyber risk reduction workshop |
SIPRI hosted over 35 experts from China, Russia, the United States and the European Union (EU) for a two-day workshop on cyber risk reduction. Held at SIPRI on 12–13 September, the workshop explored participants’ approaches to cyber risk reduction. Discussions focused on definitions, regulations, implementation measures and recommendations for mitigating cyber risk. In particular, the workshop aimed to enhance engagement and identify confidence-building measures among cyber actors.
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COP16: Food security, land rights and risk for conflict in Latin America |
SIPRI and its partner the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), with support from the Swedish International Agriculture Network Initiative (SIANI), have published a report addressing, among others, food security and land rights challenges in Latin America. The report’s findings offer key insights into aligning regional actions with global biodiversity goals. The report is available in English and Spanish and was discussed at a SIPRI co-hosted onsite event during COP16 on 29 October.
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SIPRI experts brief German parliament |
On 9 October, two SIPRI experts briefed members of the German parliament on climate-related security risks. Dr Simone Bunse, Senior Researcher in SIPRI’s Food, Peace and Security Programme, explained how food insecurity, climate change and violent conflict interact in the Sahel. Dr Florian Krampe, SIPRI Director of Studies, Peace and Development, discussed the climate-induced challenges that the Himalayan region is facing.
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Bringing the space–nuclear nexus into multilateral discussions |
An increasing number of state and non-state actors are involved in the operation of space systems, which provide a wide range of services, both civilian and military—including in the nuclear domain. This has major implications for stability and security, not least given the growing escalation risks at the space–nuclear nexus. This essay briefly summarizes the potential escalation risks at the space–nuclear nexus. It then considers some of the difficulties in discussing this nexus in existing multilateral forums and suggests ways to overcome them.
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Demilitarizing environmental protection will benefit Colombia’s biodiversity |
Since 2010, Colombian governments have increasingly used militarized strategies to protect the environment, which has negatively impacted marginalized ethnic communities and subsistence farmers who are key to sustainable land management. This approach not only perpetuates cycles of violence and reinforces historical inequalities but also escalates environmental damage and criminalizes local conservation efforts. The militarized tactics deepen marginalization, endanger ecosystems and jeopardize future generations’ well-being. The blog aims to review the causes of this shift and suggests necessary changes.
Read the SIPRI WritePeace Blog
Beyond food security: The potential gendered consequences of food aid |
In conflict-affected humanitarian settings where there are high levels of food insecurity, women and men face distinct challenges that can deeply affect gender relations. The same is true of food aid. Recognizing this, food aid delivery in conflict settings is often designed to take into account these gendered impacts and challenges—and sometimes even aims to transform gender relations in a lasting way. However, well-intended actions can have unintended negative gendered consequences, contributing to stigma or the risk of violence. This blog explores how and why this may be the case and what can be done about it.
Read the SIPRI WritePeace Blog
Making the most of the EU catch-all control on cyber-surveillance exports |
This month, the EU published a new set of guidelines intended to help exporters to comply with the catch-all control on exports of cyber-surveillance items. This backgrounder examines the catch-all control and the new guidelines, highlighting their main features and limitations. It also suggests steps that could be taken by the newly elected European Parliament and others to improve the guidelines and support consistent, effective application of both the new catch-all control and restrictions on the trade in cyber-surveillance items more broadly.
Read the SIPRI Topical Backgrounder
Synergies between women, peace and security and the governance of WMD |
The topics of women’s inclusion and gender mainstreaming have become more prominent across activities, mandates and policies that pertain to the four ‘pillars’ of the WPS agenda—participation, protection, prevention, and relief and recovery. However, the synergies between the WPS agenda and the governance of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) remain largely underexplored. This SIPRI Essay considers the WPS–WMD relationship, examining the potential benefits of and pathways towards further integration of these important global agendas.
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How top arms exporters have responded to the war in Gaza |
Following the Hamas-led attack on southern Israel on 7 October 2023, Israel launched an intensive military campaign in Gaza. While many states were quick to affirm Israel’s right to self-defence, international concern grew about the high death toll and the severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Indeed, pressure on states to cease or curtail military exports to Israel has grown. This backgrounder explores how the situation in Gaza has affected the arms export policy and practice of six of the world’s top 10 exporters of ‘major conventional arms’ according to the SIPRI Arms Transfers Database.
Read the SIPRI Topical Backgrounder
Where next for the women, peace and security agenda? |
This month marks 24 years since the adoption of the landmark UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000), which was the first stand-alone resolution on mainstreaming gender into peace and security architecture at the multilateral level. Resolution 1325 and nine subsequent resolutions now constitute the WPS agenda. This SIPRI WritePeace Blog uses this anniversary as an opportunity to reflect on the relevance of the WPS agenda today, understand the obstacles its advocates face, and evaluate progress and gaps in its implementation.
Read the SIPRI WritePeace Blog
External outlets |
SIPRI experts were recently featured in these external outlets:
‘Partnership on AI—How To Determine the Misuse Risks Associated Withs Open Research and Innovation’, by Dr Vincent Boulanin, published by the Responsible AI for Peace and Security Podcast on 24 October 2024.
‘Consider the Ethical Impacts of Quantum Technologies in Defence—Before It’s Too Late’, by Professor Mariarosaria Taddeo, Dr Alexander Blanchard and Kate Pundyk, published by Nature on 22 October 2024.
‘AI and Autonomous Weapons Today’, by Laura Bruun, published by the Disrupting Peace Podcast on 8 October 2024.
‘Ensuring Stability in Lunar Activities’, by Nivedita Raju, published by CIGI on 1 October 2024.
‘The Complex Trends and Patterns in Arms Transfers to Sub-Saharan Africa’, by Pieter D. Wezeman, published by ISPI on 30 September 2024.
‘The Persistent Lack of Strategic Convergence Between France and Germany’, by Dr Barbara Kunz, published by Internationale Politik Quarterly on 26 September 2024.
‘Space Security Governance: Steps To Limit the Human Costs of Military Operations in Outer Space’, by Nivedita Raju, published by the ICRC Humanitarian Law and Policy Blog on 22 August 2024.
2–5 December 2024 |
SIPRI-led course on WMD non-proliferation and disarmament |
This introductory course on the non-proliferation and disarmament of WMD is open to graduate and postgraduate students of technical disciplines.
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29 October 2024 |
COP16 side event: Biodiversity, land use change and the implications for conflict in Latin America |
SIPRI will co-host this side event to the 16th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP16 CBD) in Cali, Colombia, with FES and SIANI. With a focus on Latin America, participants will explore strategies to enhance food security in regions affected by land degradation and climate change.
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16 October 2024 |
SIPRI and partners host interactive workshop during Geneva Peace Week |
SIPRI, the Kofi Annan Foundation and the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens hosted an interactive workshop during Geneva Peace Week. The workshop included a panel discussion, live polls and breakout groups to facilitate an exchange of ideas. Katongo Seyuba, SIPRI Researcher, shared his expert insights based on research on the interaction between climate change and food.
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3 October 2024 |
SIPRI co-hosts conversation on Europe’s evolving security landscape |
On 3 October, SIPRI and the Embassy of France in Stockholm hosted an event under the title ‘French Grand Strategy: The Military Pivot to Europe’. During the event, Lieutenant General Bertrand Toujouse, Commander of the French Land Forces and Commander for French Land Operations in Europe, delivered a keynote speech. General Toujouse addressed Europe’s evolving security landscape, framing it through a ‘competition–contestation–confrontation’ matrix, as some major powers contest the global order and normalize the use of force.
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Unveiling Challenges and Gaps in Climate Finance in Conflict Areas |
This SIPRI Insights on Peace and Security addresses challenges related to climate finance distribution in conflict-affected countries, where vulnerabilities to climate change are significantly exacerbated. Conflict reduces the ability of populations to adapt, making effective climate finance even more critical. The paper highlights the need for improved transparency, equitable redistribution of funds and stronger donor–recipient coordination to ensure climate finance reaches the most vulnerable populations, especially in conflict settings.
Read the SIPRI Insights on Peace and Security
Critical Minerals and Great Power Competition: An Overview |
This report provides an insightful overview of the mineral security policies of four key powers: China, the EU, Russia and the USA. It describes the distinct ways in which they conceptualize mineral security, comparing their priority lists of critical and strategic minerals. It considers the wider imperatives that motivate their policies and assesses the implications for developing countries. The report concludes by reflecting on the need to mitigate the worst of the resultant risks through expanded dialogue with a wider set of stakeholders.
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The Expansion of the NewSpace Industry and Missile Technology Proliferation Risks |
This report is part of the final output of the SIPRI research project ‘Quo Vadis MTCR II: Mapping and Mitigating the Potential Impact of the NewSpace Industry on Missile Technology Proliferation’, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. It presents and analyses a pilot study on the spread of NewSpace companies developing, testing, producing or marketing missile-related technology and develops policy recommendations to the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) partners.
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Mapping the Spread of NewSpace Companies Developing, Testing, Producing or Marketing Missile-related Technology: A Pilot Study |
A SIPRI pilot study has mapped the missile-related NewSpace industry of 84 selected states, including MTCR partners, adherents and non-participating states. Over half of the adherents and non-participating states have established NewSpace companies that are developing, testing, producing or marketing missile-related technology in their domestic industry, and eight of them also have active small- and micro-launcher projects. This fact sheet provides a summary of the results of the pilot study and outlines policy recommendations to the MTCR partners.
Read the SIPRI Fact Sheet
The Image and the Perception: Gender-responsive Strategic Communications in EU Civilian CSDP Missions |
This SIPRI Policy Brief explores the opportunities and challenges of gender-responsive strategic communications in the context of EU civilian Common Security and Defence Policy missions. It provides six recommendations which align with ongoing processes towards improving capability development, gender parity, counter-foreign information manipulation and interference (FIMI), and training. The recommendations address formal guidance, accountability mechanisms, contextual awareness in missions, men in gender work, women’s participation and gendered FIMI threats.
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Beyond Vulnerability: A Guidance Note on Youth, Climate, Peace and Security |
This guidance note, by SIPRI, the Folke Bernadotte Academy and the UN Development Programme, bridges the climate, peace and security, and youth, peace and security agendas. Building on real-world examples from diverse contexts, it highlights how young people are at the forefront of addressing climate-related security risks. It also provides guidance for creating an integrated agenda on youth, climate, peace and security, aimed for peacebuilding and development practitioners, policymakers and researchers.
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Climate, Peace and Security Fact Sheet: Central African Republic (2024) |
This Climate, Peace and Security Fact Sheet is focused on the Central African Republic and the series of conflict- and climate-related issues facing the country. The fact sheet offers a range of recommended actions for the international community to address these issues effectively.
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Women in Multilateral Peace Operations in 2024: What is the State of Play? |
This overview of women’s representation in multilateral peace operations presents data on aggregate personnel trends, annual snapshots of data on women’s representation in leadership, and annual averages of women in the personnel of peace operations and in member state contributions. The objective is to support the efforts of multilateral organizations and their member states to increase the representation of women in multilateral peace operations.
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Military Entrenchment in Mali and Niger: Praetorianism in Retrospect |
Since 2021, SIPRI has been conducting perception surveys in Mali and Niger within the framework of the Just Future programme, funded by CORDAID. Both countries have experienced coups d’état and the conditions for the work have changed radically, particularly in terms of access to fieldwork and information. The SIPRI report explores the causes of coups and how these military regimes, despite initial popular support, isolate themselves while deepening authoritarianism, state-sponsored violence against civilian populations and restricting civil liberties.
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Climate, Peace and Security Fact Sheet: Colombia (2024) |
This Climate, Peace and Security Fact Sheet is focused on Colombia and the series of conflict- and climate-related issues that face the country. The fact sheet offers a range of recommended actions for the international community to address these issues effectively.
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Catalysing Action on Climate, Peace and Security |
The UN Climate Security Mechanism, FBA, and SIPRI co-convened a Strategic Dialogue on Climate, Peace and Security in Stockholm, Sweden, on 4–5 May 2024. The first-of-its-kind dialogue provided a forum for experience sharing among senior UN mission leadership as well as Climate, Peace and Security Advisors.
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SIPRI Yearbook 2024 |
SIPRI Yearbook 2024 presents a combination of original data in areas such as world military expenditure, international arms transfers, arms production, nuclear forces, armed conflicts and multilateral peace operations, with state-of-the-art analysis of important aspects of arms control, peace and international security. In addition to its detailed coverage of nuclear arms control and non-proliferation issues, the latest edition of the SIPRI Yearbook includes:
- insight on developments in conventional arms control in 2023;
- regional overviews of armed conflicts and conflict management;
- in-depth data and discussion on military expenditure, international arms transfers and arms production; and
- comprehensive coverage of efforts to counter chemical and biological security threats.
Browse the contents page | Download the summary (PDF) | Download the sample chapter on world nuclear forces (PDF) | Download the introductory chapter (PDF) | Order SIPRI Yearbook 2024