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Measuring Peace Impact: Challenges and Solutions

This paper presents emerging thinking about the challenges of measuring peace impact and the possible solutions to these challenges in conflict and peacebuilding settings. SIPRI and the World Food Programme (WFP) launched a knowledge partnership in 2018 to help strengthen WFP’s contribution to improving the prospects for peace in the countries where it operates. This paper contributes to the thematic deep dive on measurement, which assesses current empirical methods of measurement and possible areas for improvement as part of the SIPRI–WFP Knowledge Partnership.

The Peace Evidence Expert Research (PEER) Group was established in 2020 by institutions and experts that convened to explore ongoing initiatives and build expertise in measuring peace impact in fragile, conflict and post-conflict settings. The report provides an overview of the 40 meetings convened by the group. Based on these discussions, the report proposes lessons learned and ways forward for practitioners and researchers.


1. Introduction

2. The challenges of measuring peace impact

3. Some solutions from the PEER Group: Experiments and current state of the art from academia and the field

4. Conclusions and recommendations


Dr Caroline Delgado is a Senior Researcher and Director of the Food, Peace and Security Programme at SIPRI.
Dr Gary Milante is an Associate Senior Researcher.
Marie Riquier is a Research Assistant in the Food, Peace and Security Programme at SIPRI.
Emery Brusset worked in United Nations humanitarian operations in 1991–94, after which he became a full-time consultant on monitoring and evaluation, in addition to working on a number of extractive industry social impact assessments. He has published books and articles on methods for measuring causality in conflict and helped the World Food Programme design a system for measuring its contribution to peace. His professional interest is the design and use of digital systems for democratizing monitoring.