The independent resource on global security

Data and Information Collection for EU Dual-use Export Control Policy Review

Final report cover
November 2015


As part of the ongoing review of the EU dual-use export control system, the European Commission is conducting an impact assessment. This study supports the impact assessment through the collection and analysis of data and information. The April 2014 Communication ‘Ensuring security and competitiveness in a changing world’, which outlines the review options, issues and actions provides the overall rationale and framework for this study. SIPRI implemented the project jointly with Ecorys during January to September 2015.

The project included three main Actions: (1) development of the methodology for data collection; (2) analysis of the baseline scenario through the collection of data and information, both on the structure and performance of directly affected sectors, and with regard to the impact of current controls and related problems; and (3) the analysis of the review options and corresponding review actions. The project combines EU- and sector-wide data with case studies on the machine tools, chemical and aerospace sectors. A strong focus of the study has been the implementation and future expansion of controls on exports of cyber-surveillance technologies and related review options.