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The Nordic Countries and the European Security and Defence Policy

Nordic Countries and the European Security and Defence Policy
ISBN 0-19-929084-9, 978-0-19-929084-0

A special feature of Europe's Nordic region is that only one of its states has joined both the European Union and NATO. Nordic countries also share a certain distrust of approaches to security that rely too much on force or that may disrupt the logic and liberties of civil society. Impacting on this environment, the EU's decision in 1999 to develop its own military capacities for crisis management—taken together with other ongoing shifts in Western security agendas and in USA–Europe relations—has created complex challenges for Nordic policy establishments.

This multi-author book combines the techniques of reporting and analysis, debate and prediction, to illuminate the consequences of these challenges for the five Nordic countries, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The views expressed in it by Nordic and non-Nordic, younger and more established, analysts reflect the political and intellectual ferment triggered in the Nordic region by these developments—in the process shedding light on defence and security challenges that matter deeply for Europe as a whole.

Table of contents

Introduction. The European defence challenge for the Nordic region

Alyson J. K. Bailes


Part I. Institutional and national politics

Editor's remarks

Gunilla Herolf

1. Denmark and the European Security and Defence Policy

Klaus Carsten Pedersen

2. The Nordic countries and the EU–NATO relationship

Teija Tiilikainen

3. The Nordic countries and the EU–NATO relationship: Further comments

Gunilla Herolf

4. Domestic influences on Nordic security and defence policy: From the perspective of fusion

Lee Miles

5. The domestic background: Public opinion and party attitudes towards integration in the Nordic countries

Cynthia Kite


Part II. National defence and European cooperation

Editor's remarks

Bengt Sundelius

6. The impact of EU capability targets and operational demands on defence concepts and planning

Gerrard Quille

7. The impact of EU capability targets and operational demands on defence concepts and planning: The case of Sweden

Lars Wedin

8. 'Not only, but also Nordic': The European Security and Defence Policy and its implications for alternative frameworks of Nordic cooperation

Jesper L. Christensen

9. Hardware politics, 'hard politics' or 'where, politics?': Nordic defence equipment cooperation in the EU context

Björn Hagelin

10. The Nordic attitude to and role in EU-linked defence industrial collaboration

Michael Brzoska


Part III. Nordic handling of the broader dimensions of security in an EU setting

Editor's remarks

Alyson J. K. Bailes

11. Starting to 'think big': The Nordic countries and EU peacebuilding

Maria Strömvik

12. 'The higher cause of peace': What could and should the Nordic countries contribute to the development of conflict mediation in the EU context?

Tarja Väyrynen

13. The Nordic countries and conventional arms control: The case of small arms and light weapons

Nicholas Marsh

14. Nordic nuclear non-proliferation policies: Different traditions and common objectives

Lars van Dassen and Anna Wetter

15. The interface of external and internal security in the EU and in Nordic policies

Magnus Ekengren

16. Muddling through: How the EU is countering new threats to the homeland

Anja Dalgaard-Nielsen


Part IV. The Nordic countries, their region and Europe: Additional perspectives

Editor's remarks

Alyson J. K. Bailes

17. The Nordic countries and EU security policy: Convergent or divergent agendas?

Pernille Rieker

18. The will to defend: A Nordic divide over security and defence policy

Tarja Cronberg

19. The Norwegian predicament in European defence: Participation without direction

Nils Morten Udgaard

20. Iceland and the European Security and Defence Policy

Alyson J. K. Bailes and Baldur Thorhallsson

21. Åland in European security policy

Teija Tiilikainen

22. The Baltic states and northern security

Karlis Neretnieks

23. Baltic perspectives on the European Security and Defence Policy

Elzbieta Tromer

Appendix. Extracts from the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe


Alyson J. K. Bailes was Director of SIPRI from 2002–2007.