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Bases Abroad: The Global Foreign Military Presence

Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN 0-19-829131-0
389 pp.

In this book Robert E. Harkavy analyses the modern status and the associated diplomacy of basing access, against the background of past political, military and technological relationships. He provides a comprehensive description of the major powers' global basing networks, including their types, their locations and the politics and economics of their acquisition. Professor Harkavy also gives details of the facilities the bases make available—naval, air, ground, missile, intelligence, communications, research and testing, environmental monitoring and space-related—and provides a wealth of tables and maps depicting US and Soviet global networks. He analyses the roles of these bases for the USA, the USSR and other major powers and discusses emerging political and technological developments which may alter basing diplomacy: the diffusion of power away from the superpowers, the increasing leverage of the smaller countries that host bases, the strengthened role of satellites in comparison with facilities on land and the possible impact of space defences on basing requirements. The crucial link between arms transfers and the politics of basing is emphasized, and the final section is devoted to the politics and economics of foreign military presence.


1. Introduction

2. Naval facilities

3. Air force facilities

4. Ground-force FMP

5. Missiles

6. Overseas 'technical' facilities: Intelligence, space and communications

7. Research and environmental facilities

8. Nuclear-related FMP: Deterrence and defence

9. Conventional FMP: Power projection

10. The politics and economics of foreign military presence