The independent resource on global security

Arms and Disarmament: SIPRI Findings

Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN 0-19-829111-6
491 pp.
This book, celebrating Sipri's 20th anniversary, reflects the broad scope of the Institute's studies in the dynamics of armaments, disarmament, and arms control. Since World War II, technological arms competition has increasingly militarized international political relations. The reversal of this by arms control and disarmament agreements is largely dependent on the provision of well-researched information about what is happening in the world military sector from an objective, non-military, and neutral source. For twenty years Sipri has provided such a source.

This book is a collection of short articles which summarize the state of play on a wide range of topics. These include world military expenditure, military research and development, the arms trade, nuclear weapon stockpiles, nuclear weapon testing, the neutron bomb, the military use of outer space, chemical and biological warfare, nuclear deterrence and nuclear disengagement, the comprehensive test ban, the United Nations and disarmament, and public opinion on peace and war. These articles provide facts and figures, analyses of past trends and future perspectives, and Sipri's conclusions and recommendations. Most of the articles are shortened versions of longer contributions to Sipri publications. This encyclopaedic book provides a comprehensive guide to the military and arms control issues of the day.


Introduction: On the Nature of SIPRI's Peace Research Studies

F. Blackaby


Part I. The Quantitative and Qualitative Dimensions of the Arms Race

1. World Military Expenditure

R. Tullberg

2. Military Research and Development

M. Acland-Hood

3. Nuclear Testing

R. Ferm

4. Trade in Major Conventional Weapons: The Changing Pattern

M. Brzoska & T. Ohlson

5. Military-Related Debt in Non-Oil Developing Countries, 1972–1982

R. Tullberg

6. Arms Production in the Third World

M. Brzoska & T. Ohlson

7. The World Military System: Inadequacy of Data

F. Blackaby & T. Ohlson

8. Soviet Military Expenditure and Defence Burden

C. G. Jacobsen


Part II. Nuclear Armaments

9. World Nuclear Weapon Stockpiles

R. W. Fieldhouse

10. Nuclear Weapons 1986

M. Arkin, A. S. Burrows, T. C. Cochran, R. S. Norris, J. I. Sands, A. M. Din & R. W. Fieldhouse

11. US-Soviet Strategic Force Comparisons in 1982

S. Lunn & J. Seabright

12. Chinese Nuclear Potential

R. W. Fieldhouse

13. Third-Generation Nuclear Weapons

K. Tsipis

14. The Neutron Bomb

H. Scoville, Jr.

15. Nuclear Weapon Command, Control and Communications

W. M. Arkin & R. W. Fieldhouse


Part III. Military Use of Outer Space

16. The Strategic Defence Initiative and Its Implications

F. Blackaby

17. Expansion of the Arms Race into Outer Space

B. Jasani

18. Strategic Computing: New Risks and Vulnerabilities

A. Din


Part IV. The Contemporary Battlefield

19. Warfare in a Fragile World: Conventional, Nuclear and Environmental Weapons

A. H. Westing, M. Lumsden, J. Rotblat, A. S. Ginsburg, G. S. Golitsyn, A. A. Vasiliev, P. Berg & G. Herolf

20. Chemical and Biological Warfare

J. P. Perry Robinson


Part V. Conceptual and Strategic Issues

21. No-First-Use of Nuclear Weapons

F. Blackaby, J. Goldblat & S. Lodgaard

22. The Concept of Common Security

F. Blackaby, R. Väyrynen, E. Bahr, M. Kaldor, E. Rothschild, J. E. Wiesner, S. Lodgaard, M. Sæter & J. J. Holst

23. Nuclear Disengagement in Europe

S. Lodgaard

24. Nuclear Weapon-Free Central Europe

J. Goldblat

25. Trust and Confidence in East-West Relations

K. Birnbaum

26. Agenda for European Security

F. Blackaby


Part VI. Regional Conflicts

27. Conflict and Conflict Resolution in Central America

J. Goldblat & V. Millán

28. Afghanistan: a Protracted Conflict

J.-Ch. Victor

29. Militarization and Conflict in Africa

R. Luckham

30. South Africa: Arms Embargo Disimplemented

S. Landgren


Part VII. Arms Control and Disarmament

31. Arms Control Agreements and Humanitarian Laws of War

J. Goldblat

32. A Comprehensive Test Ban

F. Blackaby

33. Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control

S. Lodgaard & F. Blackaby

34. The Nuclear Non-proliferation Imperative

J. Goldblat

Appendix. Nuclear plants under construction or operating in the developing countries outside Europe

35. Geneva Negotiations on Chemical Weapons

R. Trapp

36. The Geneva Protocol of 1925 and the Ban on Chemical Weapons

J. Goldblat

37. The South Pacific Nuclear-Free Zone

G. E. Frey

38. A Chemical Weapon-Free Zone in Europe

J. Goldblat

39. Confidence-Building and Security in Europe

S. Lodgaard

40. Arms Control Verification

A. S. Krass

41. Arms Control and Disarmament

S. Lodgaard

Appendix. Arms control agreements

Appendix. Status of the implementation of the major multilateral arms control agreements, as of 1 January 1986

Appendix. UN member states and year of membership

42. The United Nations and Disarmament

J. Goldblat

43. Restraining the Qualitative Arms Race

M. Acland-Hood

44. Military Technology, the Arms Race and Arms Control

M. Thee

45. Public Opinion on Peace and War

E. den Oudsten & F. Blackaby

46. Chronology of Major Events Related to Arms Control Issues, 1981–85

J. Goldblat & R. Ferm