The independent resource on global security

Agreements for Arms Control: A Critical Survey

ISBN 0-85066-229-X

This is the most comprehensive handbook on arms control ever published. It contains an analysis of the bilateral and multilateral agreements reached since World War II. An assessment is made of the extent to which each agreement has affected the arms race, reduced the likelihood of war or otherwise contributed to the overall goal of disarmament. Ongoing arms control negotiations are also analyzed.

The complex problem of verification of compliance with arms control obligations is critically examined, and the shortcomings of the existing arrangements are pointed out.

The critique is searching, objective and free of the usual biases of official government reports.

The analysis of the arms control agreements is preceded by an historical overview, beginning with the Hague Peace Conferences, held at the turn of this century, through the League of Nations' attempts to bring about a universal reduction of armaments, to the activities of the United Nations in the field of arms regulation and general disarmament. The present arms control negotiating machinery is described.

The texts of the relevant documents are reproduced for handy reference and the status of the implementation of the most important multilateral arms control agreements is presented in tabular form. Tables and figures facilitate the reading.

Table of contents

1. Pre-World War II efforts towards multilateral control of arms

2. Early United Nations arms control activities

3. A review of the obligations in the arms control agreements

4. Verification and enforcement of arms control obligations

5. Arms control agreements: the texts and parties

6. Status of the implementation of the major multilateral arms control agreements, as of 1 October 1981

7. The arms control machinery

8. Summary and conclusions


Appendix A. Glossary

Appendix B. Index to the SALT II agreements

Appendix C. Bibliography