The independent resource on global security

Oil and Security

Publisher: Almqvist & Wiksell
ISBN 91-85114-25-1
197 pp.

Oil is a commodity of vital importance to the economic and military security of nations. Shortages of this limited and unevenly distributed resource are likely to cause enormous and unprecedented problems, both nationally and internationally.

This SIPRI study attempts to relate oil shortages with the ensuing security problems and the arms race that will probably result. Countries faced with the task of securing oil supplies, protecting their transportation and defending their oil fields and installations are likely to react by increasing their military potential.

The study outlines and discusses some of these developments in the light of the oil shortage situation of 1973–74.


1. Dependence on oil supplies

2. The oil security of various countries and regions

3. The three main groups of interest

4. Potentials for cooperation and conflict

5. The military use of oil

6. Summary and conclusion


Appendix 1. World oil resources, 1973

Appendix 2. The oil situation in selected countries and regions

Appendix 3. Energy sources

Appendix 4. Recent arms transfers to the Middle East

Appendix 5. Recent economic and technical agreements between oil-producing and oil-consuming countries

Appendix 6. Official texts related to the 1973 oil embargo

Appendix 7. The Washington Energy Conference of 11–13 February 1974

Appendix 8. Territorial disputes

Appendix 9. The oil situation in Germany during World War II