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CB Disarmament Negotiations, 1920–1970

ISBN 391-00203-1

This book presents a review of the activities of the League of Nations and United Nations in extending and reinforcing the prohibitions concerning CB weapons, including a report of recent negotiations for international CB disarmament. The volume also contains an account of those instances when formal complaints of the use of CB weapons have been made to the two world organizations.

All six volumes of The Problem of Chemical and Biological Warfare are available on CD-ROM.

Introductory survey

Part I. Negotiations at the League of Nations and the United Nations, 1920-1970
Introductory note on the disarmament negotiating machinery
Early efforts to outlaw chemical warfare
1. 1920-1924
2. 1925
3. 1926-1930
4. 1931-November 1932
5. November 1932-1933
6. 1935-1938
7. 1946-1953
8. 1954-1967
9. 1968-1969

Part II. Developments in 1969-1970
Unilateral renunciations of CBW
Prohibition of production and possession of CB weapons
Summary and comment

Appendix 1. Revised UK draft convention for the prohibition of biological methods of warfare and accompanying draft Security Council resolution, of 18 August 1970
Appendix 2. Revised draft convention on the prohibition of the development, production and stockpiling of chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons and on the destruction of such weapons, submitted by Bulgaria, Byelorrussian SSR, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Ukrainian SSR and the USSR on 23 October 1970
Appendix 3. Draft convention on the prohibition of the development, production and stockpiling of bacteriological (biological) weapons and toxins and on their destruction, submitted by Bulgaria, Byelorrussian SSR, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Ukrainian SSR and the USSR on 15 April 1971
Appendix 4. Revised draft convention on the prohibition of the development, production and stockpiling of bacteriological (biological) weapons and toxins and on their destruction, submitted by Bulgaria, Byelorrussian SSR, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Ukrainian SSR and the USSR on 5 August 1971
Appendix 5. List of states which have signed, ratified, acceded or succeeded to the 1925 Geneva Protocol