SIPRI is pleased to launch a new video series on perceptions of civilian crisis management and the efforts to strengthen the civilian Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) missions of the European Union (EU). The series features interviews with officials from EU member states and experts from the European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management and other relevant European organizations.
The interviews were conducted during a workshop in Stockholm in March 2022 on the new civilian CSDP Compact and at the Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development in May 2022, which included a session on mainstreaming climate and the environment in EU civilian crisis management missions. These events and this video series are part of a wider research project on the implementation of the civilian CSDP Compact, which was established in 2018, and the development of a follow-up initiative (a new civilian CSDP Compact) that is supposed to be finalized by mid 2023. The series gives a voice to key stakeholders in the field, working towards a mutual understanding of the complexity of the challenges affecting civilian crisis management today and the efforts to strengthen the civilian CSDP beyond 2023.
The challenges highlighted include the need to determine the EU’s level of ambition regarding civilian crisis management, especially in light of the war in Ukraine, and the concrete steps that must be taken to reach this level; the need for better coordination between the various actors involved (both CSDP and non-CSDP); and the impact of climate change and environmental degradation. The interviewees stressed the unique capability of the EU and its potential for implementing effective and timely civilian crisis management actions when EU member states have a shared will and commitment to act and a good understanding of the relevant situation. The series also aims to identify concrete recommendations for what the EU and its member states still need to address in order to agree on an ambitious new compact in 2023.
Watch the interviews with:
- Philipp Agathanos, Head of Unit, Civilian Crisis Management, CSDP Training, Peace, Security and Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Austria
- Viola Csordas, Security Sector Reform (SSR) Advisor, International Security Sector Advisory Team (ISSAT), Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF)
- Eddy Fonyódi, First Secretary, Committee for Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management (CIVCOM) Delegate, Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU
- Max Hatvala, Desk Officer for Civilian Crisis Management, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
- Volker Jacoby, Director, European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management
- Karin Limdal, Seconded National Expert, European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management
- Stefanie Mavrakou, Junior Policy Officer for Civilian Crisis Management, European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management
- Tobias Pietz, Deputy Head, Team Analysis, Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF)
- Florian Poetter, Desk Officer, EU CSDP Division, Federal Foreign Office of Germany
- Ville Savoranta, Research and Development Specialist, Crisis Management Centre Finland (CMC Finland)
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