SIPRI launches new data on international arms transfers |
International transfers of major arms during the five-year period 2015–19 increased by 5.5 per cent compared with 2010–14. According to new data from SIPRI, the largest exporters of arms during the past five years were the United States, Russia, France, Germany and China. The new data shows that the flow of arms to the Middle East has increased, with Saudi Arabia clearly being the world’s largest importer. |
Read more | Read the SIPRI Fact Sheet | Access the database
Global Registry of Violent Deaths website launches |
The Global Registry of Violent Deaths (GReVD) website is now online. The GReVD website acts as a resource hub for information about the GReVD initiative, data and estimates on violent deaths. Once operational, it will also include the GReVD database itself. SIPRI and the Brookings Institution convene the consortium on behalf of partners.
Read more | Visit the GReVD website
Stockholm Security Conference 2020, save the date |
On 18 November 2020, SIPRI will host the fifth annual Stockholm Security Conference at Norra Latin, Stockholm, Sweden. Naturally, the arrangement is subject to COVID-19 developments at that time. If need be, the conference will be moved online. So whether participation will be physical or virtual, please do reserve the date. The theme of this year’s conference is ‘International Cooperation: Navigating the Way Ahead’.
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2020 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development moves online |
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the associated travel restrictions, the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and SIPRI have decided that the 2020 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development, scheduled for 11–13 May 2020, will not be held as planned at München Brewery. Instead, options to convene the Stockholm forum in a reduced online format are being explored. Please stay tuned for further details. |
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SIPRI releases Annual Review 2020 |
SIPRI releases Annual Review 2019, a retrospective compendium of the Institute’s commentary, events, news and publications over the past year. Annual Review 2019 includes highlights such as the 50th anniversary of the SIPRI Yearbook and the event convened by the Swedish Parliament and SIPRI with South Korean President Moon Jae-in.
Read more | Download Annual Review 2019 (PDF)
SIPRI celebrates International Women's Day |
On International Women's Day 2020, Sigrún Rawet, SIPRI Deputy Director, gives her comments on the current state of women’s roles in peace and security. |
Watch the interview
SIPRI Associate Senior Researcher comments on COVID-19 |
Dr Filippa Lentzos, SIPRI Associate Senior Researcher, gave an interview about COVID-19 to the Inter Press Service News Agency. In it, she outlines the ongoing disinformation campaign surrounding COVID-19 and the use of biological agents as weapons. |
Read the article
11–13 May 2020 |
2020 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development |
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the associated travel restrictions, the 2020 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development will not be held as originally planned. Instead, the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and SIPRI are exploring options to convene the Stockholm Forum in a reduced online format. Please stay tuned for further details.
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18 November 2020 |
2020 Stockholm Security Conference |
On 18 November 2020, SIPRI will host the fifth annual Stockholm Security Conference at Norra Latin, Stockholm, Sweden. The theme of this year’s conference is ‘International Cooperation: Navigating the Way Ahead’. Naturally, the arrangement is subject to what is happening with COVID-19 around that time. If need be, the conference will be moved online.
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Four current openings |
SIPRI is currently recruiting for four positions:
- Senior Researcher, food and security focus, Peace and Development Programme (Closing date: 31 March)
- Researcher, trends and data focus, Sahel and West Africa Programme (Closing date: 5 April)
- Acting Director, Dual-use and Arms Trade Controls Programme (Closing date: 12 April)
- Research Assistant, Dual-use and Arms Trade Controls Programme (Closing date: 12 April)
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Trends in International Arms Transfers, 2019 |
The volume of international transfers of major arms in 2015–19 was 5.5 per cent higher than in 2010–14 and 20 per cent higher than in 2005–2009. The five largest exporters in 2015–19 were the United States, Russia, France, Germany and China. The five largest importers were Saudi Arabia, India, Egypt, Australia and China. Between 2010–14 and 2015–19, there were increases in arms transfers to the Middle East and to Europe, while there were decreases in the transfers to Africa, the Americas and Asia and Oceania. |
Read the SIPRI Fact Sheet
Water Security and Governance in the Horn of Africa |
Climate-related security risks are increasingly compounding existing political, social and economic challenges worldwide, with natural resources like water posing risks for geopolitical tensions and violent conflict. This policy paper presents a regional analysis of environment, peace and security linkages in the Horn of Africa, with a specific focus on water security and governance. It provides entry points for the international community to address the multifaceted risk landscape in the region. |
Read the SIPRI Policy Paper
SIPRI Yearbook 2019 |
The 50th edition of the SIPRI Yearbook is a compendium of data and analysis in the areas of security and conflicts; military spending and armaments; and non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament. It covers developments during 2018, including:
- the state of nuclear arms control;
- transparency in military spending;
- UN peacekeeping reform; and
- allegations of chemical weapon use in Syria and the United Kingdom.
Browse the contents page | Read the summary (PDF) | Order SIPRI Yearbook 2019