SIPRI, CONASCIPAL and Malian civil society launch first White Book for peace in Mali |
SIPRI, CONASCIPAL and Malian civil society members launched the first Civil Society White Book for Peace and Security. The White Book helps to address security challenges for the Malian population. It was presented at a launch event in Bamako, Mali and was also handed over to several ministers from the Malian Government. |
Read more | Read the press release | Download the White Book (in French)
Visit from Her Royal Highness, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden |
SIPRI proudly hosted a visit from Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden. As one of 17 Advocates for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the Crown Princess was briefed by SIPRI researchers on topics related to the implementation of Agenda 2030. |
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The need for an African Union Special Envoy for Climate Change and Security |
Ahead of the African Union (AU) Summit in February, SIPRI researchers Dr Florian Krampe and Vane Aminga make the case for the AU to refocus on climate-related security risks and build support to appoint an AU Special Envoy for Climate Change and Security. |
Read the SIPRI essay
To stay or not to stay: Will Europe’s new trade initiative make a difference for Iran? |
Dr Tarja Cronberg analyses the implications of the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)—the latest attempt by the E3 (France, Germany and the United Kingdom) at preserving the Iran nuclear deal. The piece examines what makes the SPV different from previous European initiatives—which proved to be largely ineffective—and what impact it will have on Iran’s economy and policy. |
Read the SIPRI WritePeace blog
Climate Security in times of geopolitical crises—what ways forward? |
Drawing from conclusions in the 2019 progress report, ‘Climate Security – Making it #Doable’, SIPRI researchers highlight key ways forward for shaping actions on climate security in 2019 and beyond. Despite complexities and turmoil, the blog paints an optimistic picture. It concludes that genuine progress is being made in adapting agendas and institutions to face the compounding challenges of climate change. |
Read the SIPRI WritePeace blog
Peace Points: Climate security—challenges and progress |
In the context of the new report ‘Climate Security – Making it #Doable’, Dan Smith discusses the challenges and progress made on addressing climate-related security risks. |
Watch the Peace Points episode [5m39s]
15 March 2019 |
SIPRI partners with the German Federal Foreign Office for a conference on technology and arms control |
SIPRI will be a thematic partner to an international conference on arms control and technology at the German Federal Foreign Office in Berlin on 15 March. During the conference, ‘2019. Capturing technology. Rethinking Arms Control’, SIPRI will convene discussions centered on the risks posed to arms control by new developments in relation to biotechnology.
Read more | Register your interest in the conference
14–16 May 2019 |
2019 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development |
The 2019 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development, co-hosted with the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, will be held under the theme ‘Crisis response to peacebuilding: Achieving synergies’. Information about how to register for the public portion of the Forum (14 May) is forthcoming. Attendance for 15–16 May is by invitation only.
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7–8 February 2019 |
SIPRI co-hosts workshop on maritime security in the Indian Ocean region |
SIPRI, in cooperation with India’s National Maritime Foundation and the Delegation of the European Union to India, organized a workshop in Delhi, India. The workshop, entitled ‘Securing the maritime commons: India, the European Union and Indian Ocean maritime security’ brought together senior military and civilian officials, as well as leading experts on maritime security from India and the EU. |
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1 February 2019 |
Water as a symbol: The Israel–Palestine water conflict |
SIPRI hosted Professor Itay Fishhendler, Head of the Environmental and Planning Program at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, for an event to discuss regional water conflicts. The event expolored the fundamentals of water disagreements between Israel and Palestine and identified ways forward. |
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White Book of the Civil Society for Peace and Security in Mali |
This White Book for Peace and Security is the Malian civil society's contribution to (inter)national security and development strategies in Mali. It seeks to bring forward the perspectives of local populations in the design and implementation of these strategies. The data presented in the White Book is derived from three years of quantitative and qualitative research conducted by SIPRI and its Malian partner, CONASCIPAL. |
Read the publication
Climate Security – Making it #Doable |
Climate-related events in 2018 demonstrated how climate change impacts are worsening. Despite increased geopolitical tensions, global and regional organizations have been able to achieve some progress in addressing climate-related security risks. This report, prepared for the Planetary Security Conference that took place in The Hague on 19–20 February 2019, sketches the past year’s trends in relation to climate and security. |
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The lack of disarmament in the Middle East: A thorn in the side of the NPT |
This paper assesses the prospects for the 2020 NPT Review Conference and presents two alternative approaches for taking the weapons of mass destruction (WMD)-free zone process forward—a WMD-free zone process without Israel or the inclusion of such a process as part of a broader regional security and arms control dialogue. |
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SIPRI Yearbook 2018 |
The 49th edition of the SIPRI Yearbook is a compendium of data and analysis in the areas of security and conflicts; military spending and armaments; and non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament. It also features sections on:
- debt, oil price and military expenditure;
- international non-proliferation sanctions against North Korea;
- allegations of chemical weapons in Iraq and Syria.
Browse the contents page | Read the summary [PDF]