The Stimson Center, 1211 Connecticut Ave NW, 8th Floor, Washington, DC, 20036.
Following the annual launch of data on trends international arms transfers, SIPRI is proud to co-host an event in Washington, DC, on February 28, entitled 'The Global Arms Trade: Assessing Trends and Future Outlook'.
Dr Aude Fleurant, Programme Director of SIPRI’s Arms and Military Expenditure Programme, will join the expert discussion on trends and outlooks for global arms sales. Given the position of the United States as the biggest exporter of major arms in the period 2012–16, exporting to more than 100 countries and accounting for 33 per cent of all exports, there will also be a discussion on how the arms trade impacts US national security and foreign policy.
This event is co-hosted by SIPRI, the Forum on the Arms Trade, and the Stimson Center.
Aude Fleurant, Director, Arms and Military Expenditure Program, SIPRI
Joe Gould, Senior Reporter, Defense News
Rachel Stohl, Senior Associate, Stimson
additional panellists to be confirmed.
For news and information on the event, follow: @StimsonCenter; @ForumArmsTrade; @SIPRIorg.
RSVP here.