The independent resource on global security

Developments in 2016

In January 2016, the UN arms embargo on non-governmental forces in the DRC was extended for 6 months.

In February 2016, the UN embargo on North Korea was expanded to include small arms and light weapons.

In February 2016, the UN embargo on non-governmetal forces in Yemen was extended for a one-year period.

In February 2016, the EU arms embargo on Zimbabwe was extended for a one-year period.

In April 2016, the UN arms embargo on Côte d'Ivoire was lifted.

In April 2016, the EU arms embargo on Myanmar was extended for a one-year period.

In April 2016, the UN arms embargo on non-governmental forces in Liberia was lifted.

In June 2016, the UN arms embargo on non-governmental forces in the DRC was extended for a one-year period.

In July 2016, the EU arms embargo on Russia was extended until 31 January 2017.

In November 2016, the UN arms embargo on non-governmental forces in Somalia was extended until November 2017.

In December 2016, the EU arms embargo on Russia was extended until 31 July 2017.

Last updated 3 February 2017.