SIPRI, the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNLIREC) and the government of Sweden co-hosted a side-event, ‘Arms transfer and SALW controls in Latin America and the Caribbean: Recent developments and lessons learned’, on the fringes of the Second Conference of State Parties (CSP2) to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), held on 25 August 2016.
The event explored steps taken by states, international and regional organizations, and NGOs in Latin America and the Caribbean to improve areas relevant to national implementation of the ATT and the UN Programme of Action (PoA) on small arms and light weapons (SALW) and discuss progress and potential lessons-learned, both for the region and beyond.
The event was moderated by Ambassador Paul Beijer of Sweden and included 4 panelists:
- The Permanent Representative of El Salvador, His Excellency Joaquín Maza, described the objectives of Plan for a Safe El Salvador—to reduce armed violence, end impunity, secure tranquility, provide opportunities for the youth and continue sustainable development processes —and the measures taken to achieve these objectives. He also stressed El Salvador’s profound commitment to fully implement the ATT.
- UNLIREC’s Director, Mélanie Régimbal, presented UNLIREC’s assistance package designed to translate decisions, instruments and commitments of Member States in the field of disarmament and non-proliferation into action and tailor delivery to each Member States' particular request for assistance. She also announced UNLIREC’s upcoming X-Ray Identification Guide designed to further contribute to the reduction of diversion cases and tackling illicit trafficking of small arms, ammunition and parts and components on postal shipments.
- María Pía Devoto, Director of the Public Policy Association (APP) in Argentina, presented the joint initiative, funded by UNSCAR, between the Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress, Project Ploughshares and APP to produce a series of recommendations for implementation of the ATT in the region.
- Alfredo Malaret, Research Assistant from SIPRI’s Dual-Use and Arms Trade Control Programme, presented the UNSCAR-funded joint project between SIPRI and UNLIREC to expand the online database Mapping ATT-relevant cooperation and assistance activities to cover Latin America and the Caribbean during 2012–2016.
The database is freely accessible online and aims to help stakeholders build upon past efforts, develop joint efforts, avoid duplication and help the ATT Secretariat perform ‘the matching of offers and requests for assistance for Treaty implementation’. Given the strong connections between the goals outlined in the ATT, PoA and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16, the expanded database will also help to shed light on efforts to effectively achieve SDG Target 16.4 in Latin America and the Caribbean.