The independent resource on global security

The Arms Race and Arms Control 1983

ISBN 0-85066-250-8
Taylor & Francis

This paperback provides those actively concerned with the dangers of war with well-researched and up-to-date information on military developments of every kind.

Based on material published in the SIPRI Yearbook 1983, this book provides unbiased factual material about world military matters such as nuclear weapons, military expenditure, the arms trade, military technology, and progress (or lack of it) in the negotiations for arms control.

Table of contents

1. Introduction

Frank Blackaby

Appendix 1A. World nuclear weapon stockpiles

Frank Blackaby and Malvern Lumsden

2. Long-range theatre nuclear forces

Sverre Lodgaard

3. British and French eurostrategic forces

Per Berg

4. Intercontinental nuclear weapons

Simon Lunn and Jefferson Seabright

5. Nuclear explosions, 1982

Ragnhild Ferm

6. Nuclear weapons and the new peace movement

Malvern Lumsden

7. World military expenditure and production

Thomas Ohlson and Rita Tullberg

8. The trade in major conventional weapons

Thomas Ohlson and Evamaria Loose-Weintraub

Appendix 8A. Aggregate tables of the value of the trade in major weapons with the Third World, 1963–82

Thomas Ohlson and Evamaria Loose-Weintraub

9. Chemical and biological warfare: Developments in 1982

Julian Perry Robinson

10. Nuclear power sources on satellites in outer space

Bhupendra Jasani

11. Arms control efforts in the UN and the CD

Jozef Goldblat