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Preventing Violent Conflict: The Search for Political Will, Strategies and Effective Tools


This report summarizes the proceedings and main findings of a seminar organized by the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (SIIA). The subject of this meeting, held at the Krusenberg Estate, outside Stockholm, was Preventing Violent Conflict—The Search for Political Will, Strategies and Effective Tools.

The seminar brought together a diverse range of individuals from government, international organizations, the media, business, academia and non-governmental organizations whose common attribute is an engagement—actual or potential—in the process of conflict prevention. The purpose of their interaction was to consider the factors that affect international willingness to undertake conflict prevention and identify ways of overcoming the gap between early warning and early action to prevent violent conflict. The seminar was inspired by growing international interest in responding proactively to the threat of conflict and, in particular, the Swedish Government's Action Plan for Preventing Violent Conflict, which seeks to stimulate a global culture of prevention.


Table of contents

The Krusenberg Conclusions


Appendix 1. Background papers

1. Consensus: A challenge for conflict prevention?

Renata Dwan

2. Developing a toolbox for conflict prevention

Annika Björkdahl

3. Creeping institutionalization of the culture of prevention?

Michael Lund

4. Democracy and prevention

David A. Hamburg

5. Divisions of labour between international, regional and subregional organizations

Renata Dwan

6. The role of international financial institutions

Alfredo Sfeir-Younis


Appendix 2. List of the participants of the Krusenberg Seminar