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New video series—On the Edge: Navigating a Changing World

An interview with Leonardo Santos Simão.
An interview with Leonardo Santos Simão.

SIPRI is pleased to launch a new video series offering diverse perspectives on the challenges of a divided world and how to overcome them. The interviews were recorded at the 2024 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development

In the interviews, a cross-section of international experts, peacebuilders and policymakers reflect on how polarization at all levels affects the pursuit of peace and development, the steps needed to overcome these divisions, and who is in the best position to act. The many challenges they mention include an unwillingness to listen and negotiate; perceived inconsistency and inequity between whose grievances are addressed; and a tendency to dehumanize other groups.

On solutions, a first step towards rebuilding trust is to acknowledge mistakes. Inclusion is a common theme: at all levels diverse groups should be involved and genuinely listened to in a way that is rare today. It is also important to pick partners and advocates with care. Finally, rebuilding trust and cooperation is the responsibility of all of us.

Interviews were conducted with:

  • Ambassador Frederic Gateretse-Ngoga, Senior Adviser, African Union Commission 
  • Heela Yoon, Founder, Afghan Youth Ambassadors for Peace
  • Guang Cong, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, United Nations Mission in South Sudan
  • Flaminia Minelli, Chief of the Policy and Best Practices Service, United Nations Department of Peace Operations 
  • Ambassador Betty Bigombe, Government of Uganda 
  • Le Sen, Rotary Peace Fellow, Uppsala University
  • Leonardo Santos Simão, Special Representative of the Secretary-General, United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel
  • Lian Hmung Sakhong, Minister of Federal Union Affairs, Government of Myanmar
  • Ambassador Annette Weber, European External Action Service, European Union Special Representative for the Horn of Africa
  • Fatima Al Ansar, Director, Tilwate Peace Network 


They can be viewed below, on SIPRI’s YouTube channel, or on the 2024 Stockholm Forum Playlist.