SIPRI and the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) are pleased to host the 26th Annual International Conference on Economics and Security (ICES2023). The conference will take place on 28–30 June in Stockholm.
The conference aims to provide an opportunity for economists, political scientists and others from around the world to share ideas and discuss future developments in areas such as: regional security; economics of security; corruption and military spending; globalization and the restructuring of the MIC; militarism and development; security sector reform; economics of conflict and war; conflict and migration; post-conflict reconstruction; economics of the arms trade; procurement and offsets; arms races and alliances; peace economics and peace science; conversion and demilitarization, and economics of terrorism.
Submissions of papers on related topics are also welcome. Graduate students in economics or a related field have the opportunity to present a paper to the Michael D. Intriligator Memorial Student Fund. The fund will cover travel expenses and registration fees to the conference for the graduate student who presents the best paper.
Abstracts, up to 300 words, should be submitted to the organizers by the 14 April 2023 to be considered for the conference.
More information about the conference is available here.
For more information, please contact Dr Nan Tian, Senior Researcher with the SIPRI Military Expenditure and Arms Production Programme, nan.tian@sipri.org.