On 22–25 August SIPRI will actively engage in several events at the eighth conference of states parties (CSP8) to the 2013 Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). CSP8 will take place at the International Conference Centre Geneva (CICG).
Ahead of CSP8, SIPRI launched two reports about preventing the diversion of exported military materiel: a SIPRI Policy Brief, ‘Post-shipment On-site Inspections and Stockpile Management Assistance: Bridging Gaps’; and a ‘Good Practice Guide on Post-shipment On-site Inspections of Military Materiel’. These reports are part of a wider project, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office, which explores the role of post-shipment controls and on-site inspections in helping to prevent the diversion and misuse of military materiel.
On 22 August Dr Mark Bromley, Director of the SIPRI Dual-use and Arms Trade Control Programme, will be among the panellists of a thematic discussion on ‘Post-shipment Controls’, during which he will present some of the key findings of the two recently launched reports.
Dr Andrea Edoardo Varisco, Director of the SIPRI Arms Transfers Programme, and Giovanna Maletta, Researcher in the SIPRI Dual-use and Arms Trade Control Programme, will be speaking at a side event on 23 August that is focused on taking stock of the ATT. The SIPRI experts will highlight the findings of the SIPRI Report ‘Taking Stock of the Arms Trade Treaty: Achievements, Challenges and Ways Forward’.
On 25 August SIPRI, together with the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining and the Mines Advisory Group, will host a side event on the topic ‘PSSM Assistance and Post-shipment Controls in the Context of the ATT’. The discussion will focus on highlighting new research and projects that aim to support the improved implementation of physical security and stockpile management (PSSM) assistance and post-delivery control and cooperation measures. Giovanna Maletta will present the recent SIPRI Policy Brief on ‘Post-shipment On-site Inspections and Stockpile Management Assistance’. Additional information about the side event is available here.
More information about CSP8 is available here.