On 22 April, Dan Smith, SIPRI Director, joined a virtual meeting of the Delegation for Relations with the Mashreq Countries and the Delegation to the Africa-Caribbean-Pacific (ACP)–European Union (EU) Joint Parliamentary Assembly. The topic for the meeting was ‘The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: Can the EU Help to Overcome the Dispute?’.
Smith addressed the delegations on the challenges and opportunities for water management in the Nile, the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, and provided an overview of the environmental, institutional and legal aspects of the ongoing dispute over the dam. His comments were based on findings reported in the SIPRI Policy Paper ‘Water Security and Governance in the Horn of Africa’.
During the meeting, Smith was joined by Hafsa Halawa, Middle East Institute, and HE Alexander Rondos, EU Special Representative for the Horn of Africa.
Click here to watch the recording of the meeting.