SIPRI is pleased to announce that the Chinese translation of SIPRI Yearbook 2020 is now available.
The Chinese-language version of the SIPRI Yearbook has been made possible with the generous support of the Swiss Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport.
Download the PDF of the Chinese translation of SIPRI Yearbook 2020 here.
Explore the various translations of the SIPRI Yearbook.
For editors
The SIPRI Yearbook is a compendium of cutting-edge information and analysis on developments in armaments, disarmament and international security. Each year, four major Yearbook data sets are pre-launched, covering international arms transfers, military spending, nuclear weapon stockpiles and the global arms industry. SIPRI Yearbook editions 1968–2018 are available to download for free from the SIPRI Yearbook archives. More recent editions can be purchased through the publisher, Oxford University Press. Learn more at http://www.sipriyearbook.org/.