Ukraine, climate, cyber, food—A world of challenges: What next? |
On the final day of the 2022 Stockholm Security Conference (SSC22), members of SIPRI’s Governing Board gathered to discuss the state of the world. The panel, including some of the world’s foremost experts on peace and security, discussed a wide range of issues such as the war in Ukraine, climate, cyber, food and more. The discussants reflected on potential ways forward on the daunting set of challenges facing the world today.
Read more | Watch the recording | Read about SSC22
New comic book on security, governance and development in central Mali |
As part of a larger project seeking to better understand how the local population in Central Mali perceives security, governance and socio-economic development, SIPRI and its partner Point Sud have produced a comic book, Écoutez-nous!. Illustrated and designed by the Malian publishing house Editions Seyna, the book tells the story of the project, from its conception to the recommendations it has made to the European Union (EU) and Malian authorities. Copies have been shared with local communities and leaders, Malian authorities, and partners in the region, and the book is published in French and three of the main local languages of central Mali.
Read more | Read the book (French)
SIPRI at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) |
SIPRI actively participated in the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), held on 6–18 November in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. SIPRI’s contributions in online and on-site sessions and side events touched on topics such as the interlinkages between climate, food security and peace, and the green transition and how it can be as just and as peaceful as possible, drawing upon findings in the recently published Environment of Peace report. Read about the various activities via the link below.
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SIPRI launches new EU Civilian CSDP Compact report in Brussels |
On 15 November, SIPRI held a launch event for the report ‘Delivering the Compact: Towards a More Capable and Gender-balanced EU Civilian CSDP’. New research on the progress made in relation to the 2018 Civilian Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) Compact was presented along with policy recommendations on ways to strengthen the commitments on national contributions and women’s representation in the new Civilian CSDP Compact. Following the presentation, an expert panel discussed the research findings.
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SIPRI and its partner organize community dialogues in Nineveh province |
Over the last few months, SIPRI and the Al-Tahreer Association for Development facilitated three issue-based community dialogues in Nineveh province, northern Iraq. The dialogues brought together community members and stakeholders from three of the principal localities of the province to discuss the findings of SIPRI research conducted in the area and seek to empower and incentivize the participants towards identifying community-driven solutions to the pressing challenges facing their communities. Recently, SIPRI also published an interview series and a report on post-conflict reconstruction from the same province.
Read more | Watch the interviews | Read the report
New SIPRI film: Measuring Self-reliance in Arms Production in the Indo-Pacific Region |
In this SIPRI Conversation, Director of Communications Stephanie Blenckner speaks with Dr Lucie Béraud-Sudreau, Director of the SIPRI Military Expenditure and Arms Production Programme, about measuring self-reliance in arms production in the Indo-Pacific region. The conversation was based on a recently published report in which the authors developed indicators for measuring self-reliance of arms production in the region.
Watch here | Read the report
Climate-related security risks in the SADC region |
Southern Africa is among the most vulnerable regions in the world to climate change. Considering the transnational and multidimensional nature of climate-related security risks, regional organizations such as the Southern African Development Community (SADC) can play a key role in the assessment and coordination of responses to them in the region. This backgrounder provides an overview of the climate-related security risks in the region, the current discourses on these risks within SADC, and SADC’s institutional architecture and policy responses to climate change. It concludes with some ways forward to consider for the future.
Read the SIPRI Topical Backgrounder
Reducing climate-related security risks and building peace through adaptation |
As the effects of climate change intensify, the need for adaptation has become increasingly urgent. Adaptation aims to make people and societies less vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and can decrease climate-related security risks, and thus contribute to building and sustaining peace. This WritePeace blog stresses the importance of considering technological and social aspects of adaptation together in order to harness the potential benefits of both to reduce conflict risks and improve peacebuilding.
Read the SIPRI WritePeace blog
Arms transfer and SALW controls in the Middle East and North Africa: Challenges and state of play |
Some states in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) play a growing role in the global arms trade—not only as arms importers but also increasingly as arms producers and exporters. Building on previous SIPRI work, this Topical Backgrounder provides an overview of the state of conventional arms transfer controls and small arms and light weapons controls in MENA countries. It also explores how these controls could be strengthened in order to help to address security challenges and build confidence in the region.
Read the SIPRI Topical Backgrounder
External articles and podcasts |
The following articles and podcasts by SIPRI experts were recently published:
‘The case for integrating sustaining peace into an expanded climate, peace and security concept’, by Cedric de Coning and Hafsa Maalim. Published by the Global Observatory on 23 November.
‘One Earth, one security space: From the 1972 Stockholm Conference to Stockholm+50 and beyond’, by former SIPRI Senior Researcher David Michel, as part of his work on the Environment of Peace initiative. Published by Stockholm Environment Institute on 22 November.
‘Iraq’s new government must deliver results quickly, or fall’ by Shivan Fazil. Published by The New Arab on 16 November.
‘Strategic instability across domains’ by Wilfred Wan and Nivedita Raju, published by Observer Research Foundation in Future Warfare and Technologies: Issues and Strategies on 14 November.
‘COP27: Ambitious action for a just transition is needed now’, by Patrik Berlinger and Jürg Staudenmann. Published by Agrilinks on 8 November.
‘COP27 climate summit is an opportunity to promote peace’, by Stefan Löfven and Christoph Heusgen. Published by Inter Press Service on 1 November.
‘Radio corner: Margot Wallström’, podcast featuring Margot Wallström. Published by Geneva Peace-Cast 2022 on 1 November.
‘Getting climate security in Africa on the agenda for COP27’, podcast featuring Hafsa Maalim. Published by The Horn on 26 October.
10–11 November 2022 |
Compliance with IHL in the Development and Use of AWS |
On 10–11 November, SIPRI hosted an expert workshop on international humanitarian law (IHL) compliance in relation to autonomous weapon systems (AWS). The discussions aimed to generate a deeper and common understanding of what IHL requires, permits and prohibits as to the development and use of AWS. The workshop took place in person in Stockholm and brought together 30 experts including legal scholars and advisors from various governments and international organizations.
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2–3 November 2022 |
SIPRI co-hosts workshop with ORF America on cyber postures and dynamics |
In cooperation with the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) America, SIPRI hosted an expert workshop on ‘Cyber Postures and Dynamics: China, Russia, United States and Europe’ in Washington, DC on 2–3 November. The closed-door workshop brought together over 30 technical, legal, diplomatic, academic and military experts from China, Russia, the USA and Europe to better understand their respective cyber postures and dynamics.
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20 October 2022 |
Stockholm Hub hosts high-level meeting on the link between climate change and security |
On 20 October, the Stockholm Hub on Environment, Climate and Security hosted a high-level meeting, highlighting the interlinkages and interdependencies between different regions that strengthen or dilute security in the face of climate change. Combining the strengths of four leading research institutes, the Hub provides evidence-based insights on building security and prosperity and strengthening resilience in the face of a changing climate.
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SIPRI is currently accepting applications for:
- Events internship supporting the 2023 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development (Closing date: 5 December).
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Post-conflict Reconstruction in the Nineveh Plains of Iraq: Agriculture, Cultural Practices and Social Cohesion |
Using a people-centered approach, this SIPRI Research Policy Report stresses the need for a holistic approach to post-conflict reconstruction in the Nineveh Plains of northern Iraq, where the Islamic State deliberately targeted ethnic and religious communities with the aim of erasing the traces of diversity, pluralism and coexistence that have long characterized the region. This report calls for post-conflict reconstruction that not only focuses on rebuilding the physical environment and economic structures but also pays adequate attention to restoring the ability of communities to engage in cultural and religious practices, and to mending social and intercommunity relations.
Read the SIPRI Research Policy Report
Treading Lightly: China’s Footprint in a Taliban-led Afghanistan |
This SIPRI Insights Paper provides a preliminary assessment of China’s attitudes to and policies on Afghanistan since the August 2021 Taliban takeover. It examines the scope of China’s security, economic and humanitarian interests, and the depth of its engagement so far. It finds that China’s footprint has been minimal due not only to China’s non-interference policy but also to a range of broader challenges. While there may be prospects and opportunities for China to contribute to Afghan peace and development, current realities mean that China’s overall approach to Afghanistan will remain cautious, pragmatic and limited.
Read the SIPRI Insights Paper
Measuring Peace Impact: Challenges and Solutions |
This paper presents emerging thinking about the challenges of measuring peace impact and the possible solutions to these challenges in conflict and peacebuilding settings. The report offers lessons learned and ways forward for practitioners and researchers, based on 40 meetings convened by the Peace Evidence Expert Research Group, which was established in 2020 by institutions and experts that convened to explore ongoing initiatives and build expertise in measuring peace impact in fragile, conflict and post-conflict settings.
Read the SIPRI Paper
Delivering the Compact: Towards a More Capable and Gender-balanced EU Civilian CSDP |
EU member states established a political compact in 2018 to strengthen the civilian dimension of the CSDP. Among other things, they committed to raise the number and share of seconded personnel in civilian CSDP missions and to promote a better representation of women at all levels. The compact has been regarded positively despite mixed results. This paper makes recommendations on how EU member states can renew and complement their commitments on increasing secondments and women’s representation, based on the ongoing need to strengthen civilian CSDP missions and on lessons learned from the current compact.
Read the SIPRI Research Policy Paper
Women in Multilateral Peace Operations in 2022: What is the State of Play? |
More than 20 years after the adoption of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, some progress has been achieved in enhancing women’s representation in multilateral peace operations, but much remains to be done. This booklet provides data on aggregate personnel trends, annual snapshots of data on women’s representation in leadership, and annual averages of women personnel in peace operations and in member state contributions. The objective is to support the efforts of multilateral organizations and their member states to increase the representation of women in multilateral peace operations.
Read the SIPRI Report
Opportunities for the European Union to Strengthen Biosecurity in Africa |
The EU has a long history of commitment to improving biological security and supporting multilateral approaches to arms controls and non-proliferation. More recently, the EU has committed even further to strengthening biosafety and biosecurity capabilities in Africa, with more meaningful collaboration and an increase in the local and regional ownership of projects. However, there is still a demonstrated need to strengthen biosecurity-related capacities and capabilities across Africa. This paper highlights the significant opportunities for EU engagement and coordination with international initiatives.
Read the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Paper
SIPRI Yearbook 2022 |
SIPRI Yearbook 2022 presents a combination of original data in areas such as world military expenditure, international arms transfers, arms production, nuclear forces, armed conflicts and multilateral peace operations with state-of-the-art analysis of important aspects of arms control, peace and international security. In addition to its detailed coverage of nuclear arms control and non-proliferation issues, the latest edition of the SIPRI Yearbook includes
- insight on developments in conventional arms control in 2021;
- regional overviews of armed conflicts and conflict management;
- in-depth data and discussion on military expenditure, international arms transfers and arms production; and
- comprehensive coverage of efforts to counter chemical and biological security threats.
Browse the contents page | Download the summary (PDF) | Download the sample chapter on world nuclear
forces (PDF) | Order SIPRI Yearbook 2022