SIPRI informs at United Nations Climate Action Summit |
SIPRI was actively involved in the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York (21–23 September). Dr Florian Krampe, a Senior Researcher in SIPRI’s Climate Change and Risk Programme, attended a meeting held by the Social and Political Drivers Coalition and spoke at the ‘Building a Resilient Future’ event. In order to inform the debate, SIPRI published a Policy Brief on ‘Advancing United Nations Responses to Climate-related Security Risks’. SIPRI also produced a Peace Points episode on the relationship between climate change and human rights.
Read the Policy Brief | Read about the Social and Political Drivers event | Read about the Resilient Future event | Watch the Peace Points episode
Translations of the SIPRI Yearbook 2019 summary now available |
Thanks to SIPRI’s translation partners, a summary of SIPRI Yearbook 2019 is now available in Catalan, Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish and Swedish. The 50th edition of the SIPRI Yearbook—a compendium of data and analysis on developments in armaments, disarmament and international security—was released in June and is available in print and online from Oxford University Press. |
Read more | Download the SIPRI Yearbook 2019 summaries | Order SIPRI Yearbook 2019
Peace Points: Global security and climate action |
In the light of recent warnings from the UN High Commissioner of Human Rights that climate change is the greatest challenge to human rights, Dan Smith, SIPRI Director, shares his thoughts on the relationship between climate change and human rights. He emphasizes that, now more than ever, there is a need to understand the wider effects of climate change, including its impact on international security.
Watch the Peace Points episode | Watch more from the Peace Points film series
The opportunity for local peacebuilding interventions: The case of Kirkuk |
Since the establishment of Iraq, conflict has emerged in Kirkuk over political and physical control of the territory. This essay is based on key findings from the SIPRI Policy Paper ‘Building everyday peace in Kirkuk, Iraq: The potential of locally focused interventions’. The paper highlights some core areas of opportunity for peacebuilding interventions to bring about real change in the everyday lives of Kirkukis.
Read the SIPRI essay
3 October 2018 |
2019 Stockholm Security Conference |
On 3 October 2019, SIPRI will host the fourth Stockholm Security Conference. This year the conference will be held under the theme ‘Conflict and technology: Now and in the future’. Through plenary and breakout sessions, the conference will look at how the nature of conflict is changing today and what impact technology has on conflict.
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23–24 September 2019 |
SIPRI hosts workshop on non-proliferation, disarmament and arms control education |
On 23–24 September, SIPRI hosted a workshop on non-proliferation, disarmament and arms control (NPDAC) education. The workshop brought together participants from different regions to review the state of play for NPDAC education and to explore options for how it can be strengthened. More information is available through the contact form. |
Event contact form
Four current openings |
SIPRI is currently recruiting for four positions:
- Projektekonom, Finance Department
- Researcher, Climate Change and Risk Programme
- Senior Researcher and Programme Director, Arms and Military Expenditure Programme
- Senior Researcher, China and Asia Security Programme
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Advancing United Nations Responses to Climate-related Security Risks |
The security implications of climate change have increasingly been debated in the UN Security Council. Yet, there is a growing concern by many UN member states about the lack of adequate responses to the risks that climate change poses to peace and security. This SIPRI Policy Brief summarizes the recent evolution of the climate security debate in the UN and highlights three priority areas for future action: (a) supporting and establishing climate security action in the field, (b) nurturing knowledge provision and (c) building sustainable sources of financing for climate security action. All these steps will require committed actors, innovation and long-term investment. |
Read the Policy Brief
Building everyday peace in Kirkuk, Iraq: The potential of locally focused interventions |
This SIPRI Policy Paper is based on survey research conducted in the main bazaar in Kirkuk, Iraq. The research explores the local side of peacebuilding and the influence that time, space and multiple layers of privilege have on everyday peace and everyday conflict in Kirkuk. The paper offers recommendations for both local and international peacebuilders; highlights why donors should fund locally focused peacebuilding efforts; and encourages national actors to develop inclusive security solutions.
Read the Policy Paper
SIPRI Yearbook 2019 |
The 50th edition of the SIPRI Yearbook is a compendium of data and analysis in the areas of security and conflicts; military spending and armaments; and non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament. It covers developments during 2018, including:
- the state of nuclear arms control;
- transparency in military spending;
- UN peacekeeping reform; and
- allegations of chemical weapon use in Syria and the United Kingdom.
Browse the contents page | Read the summary (PDF) | Order SIPRI Yearbook 2019