Global arms industry rankings: Sales up 4.6 per cent worldwide and US companies dominate Top 5 |
New SIPRI data shows that sales of arms and military services by the sector’s largest 100 companies (excluding those in China) totalled $420 billion in 2018, marking an increase of 4.6 per cent compared with 2017. Sales of arms and military services by companies listed in the SIPRI Top 100 have increased by 47 per cent since 2002.
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New video on conflict and technology:
Now and in the future |
On 3 October 2019, SIPRI hosted the fourth Stockholm Security Conference on the theme ‘Conflict and technology: Now and in the future’. The conference was organized in partnership with Crisis Management Initiative, Mercy Corps, MSB – Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency and the Munich Security Conference. |
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Why counting violent deaths matters for peace and security |
SIPRI, the Brookings Institution and partners are pleased to release a new video on why counting violent deaths matters for peace and security. The video is part of the new Global Registry of Violent Deaths (GReVD) initiative, which aims to register entries for every death caused by all forms of violence and display these in an open-source database. |
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SIPRI co-hosts senior officials meeting on nuclear disarmament |
On 27–28 November, SIPRI, the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Federal Republic of Germany’s Foreign Office co-hosted a meeting on nuclear disarmament. The meeting was held in the framework of the Stockholm Initiative on Nuclear Disarmament and attracted senior representatives from 16 countries. |
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SIPRI at the UN Climate Change Conference |
On 11 December, SIPRI’s Dr Florian Krampe participated at the UN Climate Change Conference COP 25 in Madrid and spoke in the Global Climate Change Alliance Plus session on ‘Climate and security–emerging trends and adaptive strategies’. The event highlighted a growing interest in the topic of climate-related security risks. |
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SIPRI delegation engages with Chinese centres of research |
On 13–15 November, a SIPRI delegation led by Director Dan Smith visited several centres of research in China for a series of events and lectures. During the delegation’s visit to China, SIPRI signed an extension to the Memorandum of Understanding with Zhejiang University. |
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SIPRI Yearbook 2019 summaries now available in German and Korean |
Thanks to SIPRI’s translation partners, a summary of SIPRI Yearbook 2019 is now available in German and Korean. Other summary translations include Catalan, Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish and Swedish. The SIPRI Yearbook 2019 was released in June–marking 50 years of the publication. |
Download SIPRI Yearbook 2019 summaries | Order SIPRI Yearbook 2019
Ending off-budget military funding:
Lessons from Chile |
Dr Diego Lopes da Silva and Dr Nan Tian take a closer look at how Chile abolished off-budget funding of arms acquisitions for its armed forces. Since Chile stands out in this regard, the process that led to the reform offers important lessons for other countries that plan to introduce or remove off-budget mechanisms. |
Read the Topical Backgrounder
Is the United Nations Uniformed Gender Parity Strategy on track to reach its goals? |
As the UN Uniformed Gender Parity Strategy is about to enter its second year, Sofia Sacks Ferrari analyses developments in women’s participation in peacekeeping operations. Furthermore, this Topical Backgrounder explores trends that may hinder or advance the achievement of the strategy’s goals over the next 10 years. |
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Connecting the dots on the triple nexus |
In this Topical Backgrounder Dr Marina Caparini provides context behind the triple nexus, before considering some of its critiques and some of the emerging operational challenges of its implementation. This commentary was produced in connection to an event that took place on the topic on 28 November. |
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13–14 December 2019 |
SIPRI participates in 8th EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Conference |
The Italian Institute for International Affairs, on behalf of the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium (EUNPDC), convened the 8th EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Conference in Brussels. As a member and coordinator of the EUNPDC, SIPRI actively participated in the conference. |
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10 December 2019 |
SIPRI co-hosts event on the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Beijing |
In collaboration with the UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and UN Women, SIPRI co-hosted a discussion on North East Asian countries’ contributions to the Women, Peace and Security Agenda. The event took place ahead of next year’s 20th anniversary of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on the topic. |
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28 November 2019 |
SIPRI organizes event on Syria and global order:
A European perspective |
During the event ‘Syria and Global Order: A European perspective’ panellists assessed how the Syrian conflict has reshaped the strategic relationships in the Middle East. The discussions analysed the status of the various sub-conflicts in the Syria crisis following the Turkish intervention and what lessons can be drawn from Syria regarding warfare techniques and the role of non-state actors. |
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28 November 2019 |
SIPRI co-organizes event on the implementation of the triple nexus |
SIPRI co-organized an event on the implementation of the humanitarian, development and peacebuilding nexus at the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency’s (Sida) headquarters. The event focused on the application of nexus approaches and principles in operational programming. |
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Three current openings |
SIPRI is currently recruiting for three positions:
- Event Assistant
- Internship, Communications Department
- Internship
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Emerging actors in the Women, Peace and Security Agenda: South Korea and Japan |
This report aims to increase understanding of how South Korea and Japan engage with the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda. It examines their legal and policy structures, as well as the two countries’ financial inputs into and implementation of the WPS Agenda using the three major areas of international cooperation as a framework: development cooperation, humanitarian assistance and peace operations. |
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Detecting, investigating and prosecuting export control violations: European perspectives on key challenges and good practices |
This SIPRI report highlights the broad and growing set of difficulties that EU member states need to overcome when seeking to detect, investigate and prosecute export control violations. In doing so, it details the range of approaches taken by states, outlines areas of good practice at the national level, and presents seven cases—and accompanying lessons learned—where export control violations have been detected, investigated and prosecuted. |
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Challenges to multilateral export controls: The case for inter-regime dialogue and coordination |
This report outlines common challenges faced by regimes and different formats that states can use for engaging in dialogue and coordinating regime controls. It identifies the lessons learned from recent inter-regime activities. It makes the case for using more formalized inter-regime dialogue meetings, particularly to address the difficulties in controlling emerging technologies with cross-regime relevance and coordinating the production of guidance materials.
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SIPRI Yearbook 2019 |
The 50th edition of the SIPRI Yearbook is a compendium of data and analysis in the areas of security and conflicts; military spending and armaments; and non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament. It covers developments during 2018, including:
- the state of nuclear arms control;
- transparency in military spending;
- UN peacekeeping reform; and
- allegations of chemical weapon use in Syria and the United Kingdom.
Browse the contents page | Read the summary (PDF) | Order SIPRI Yearbook 2019