SIPRI launches new data on military expenditure |
Total world military expenditure rose to $1739 billion in 2017, an increase of 1.1 per cent in real terms from 2016, according to new data released by SIPRI this month. The trends can be explored in more detail on SIPRI’s military expenditure visualization website. |
Read the press release | Read the fact sheet | Visit the visualization website
SIPRI Searchlight: Managing the risks posed by climate change—a role for the UN |
This new SIPRI Searchlight film takes perspectives from key stakeholders on the idea of the United Nations as an institutional home for climate change. It is based on interviews at the 2017 Planetary Security Conference. |
Watch the film | Read about SIPRI at the 2017 Planetary Security Conference
New global report tracks anti-vehicle mine incidents in 2017 |
SIPRI and the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) have released a new global report of anti-vehicle mine (AVM) incidents in 2017. The report finds 169 incidents related, or suspected to be related, to AVMs in 24 states and territories in 2017. The five states with the highest numbers of AVM casualties in 2017 were Pakistan, Ukraine, Mali, Chad and Yemen. |
Read more | Read the report
Promoting effective implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty: Mapping outreach and assistance in East and South East Asia |
Kolja Brockmann, Mark Bromley and Giovanna Maletta outline SIPRI’s ongoing efforts to promote effective implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). The online database for Mapping ATT-relevant cooperation and assistance activities was recently expanded to include East Asia and South East Asia. It is currently being enlarged to cover the Middle East and North Africa. |
Read the SIPRI blog | Visit the online database
Judges as Peacebuilders: The challenges of ensuring access to justice in conflict-affected settings |
In the context of the 2018 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development, which was held this month, Rhodri Williams, from Forum partner International Legal Assistance Consortium (ILAC), reflects on the theme of this year’s Forum, ‘The Politics of Peace’. |
Read the SIPRI blog
11–12 June 2018 |
Managing complexity: Addressing societal security challenges in the Baltic Sea region |
SIPRI and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden will host the international conference ‘Managing complexity: Addressing societal security challenges in the Baltic Sea region’. The conference will discuss how to provide safety for citizens and build effective resilience in the face of various contingencies, ranging from climate change to extremism and major infrastructural disruptions.
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28 May 2018 |
Inaugural SIPRI Lecture by HE Dr Hans Blix |
The inaugural SIPRI Lecture on the theme ‘Is the world on the road to peace or war?’ was delivered by HE Dr Hans Blix in the presence of His Majesty Carl XVI Gustaf and Her Majesty Queen Silvia. The event, opened by Ambassador Jan Eliasson, Chair of the SIPRI Governing Board, also featured a panel discussion moderated by Dan Smith, SIPRI Director.
Read more | Watch on SIPRI's YouTube channel | Read the transcript of the lecture [PDF]
Two current openings |
SIPRI is currently recruiting for two positions:
- Deputy Director (Closing date: 3 June)
- Programme Director and Senior Researcher, China and Global Security Programme (Recruitment ongoing)
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Trends in world military expenditure, 2017 |
World military expenditure is estimated to have reached $1739 billion in 2017, the highest level since the end of the cold war. After 13 consecutive years of increases from 1999 to 2011 and relatively unchanged spending from 2012 to 2016, total global expenditure rose marginally in 2017, by 1.1 per cent in real terms. This Fact Sheet highlights the regional and national trends in 2017 and over the decade 2008–17 shown by new data from the SIPRI Military Expenditure Database. |
Read the publication
Global mapping and analysis of anti-vehicle mine incidents in 2017 |
The need for systematic data collection on AVM incidents was first recognized during joint research by the GICHD and SIPRI for a study on the humanitarian and developmental impact of AVMs published in October 2014. As a response, both organizations have been collecting global data on AVM incidents since 2015 with a view to improving evidence on and identifying trends in AVM impact. This report presents and analyses AVM incident data from 2017. |
Read the publication
SIPRI Yearbook 2017 |
The 48th edition of the SIPRI Yearbook is a compendium of data and analysis in the areas of security and conflicts; military spending and armaments; and non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament. It covers developments during 2016, including:
- aspects of the conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa;
- the peace agreement in Colombia;
- forced displacement in fragile contexts; and
- the sustaining peace framework of the United Nations.
Browse the contents page | Read the summary [PDF]