The independent resource on global security

WritePeace blog

Towards a comprehensive approach to sustaining peace - a reality too complex to tweet? 

Just like UNSC resolution 1325 and follow-up resolutions on Women, Peace and Security, feminist organisations – this time together with researchers – have driven awareness of the gender, climate change and security nexus. There is a long way to go, but there is strong interest from a wide range of stakeholders in supporting research on this nexus, to inform their work.

North Korea and the US: are there ways out?

SIPRI Director Dan Smith reflects on the most recent developments in North Korean–US relations.

From Hollywood to the battlefield: Violence against women affects us all

In advance of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, this blog makes recommendations for analysts and policymakers across the field of development and peace.

The Afghan people: Observing nearly 40 years of violent conflict

On Friday 29 September, an Islamic State suicide bomber disguised as a shepherd attacked a Shiite mosque in Kabul as worshippers were leaving. They killed five people and wounded at least 20 others. It was one of numerous attacks in Afghanistan this year.

Ounces of prevention, pounds of cure

Gary Milante and Hannes Mueller make the case for preventive action, looking at the overall cost benefit as compared to conflict response.

A latent danger: The impact of anti-vehicle mines in modern conflict

This joint blog from GICHD and SIPRI sheds light on the impact and context of AVMs in Ukraine in order to highlight an important but often neglected humanitarian issue.

Why should the UN Security Council deal with climate security risks?

Amiera Sawas and Florian Krampe put forward the case for the UN Security Council to put climate security risks on the agenda, as well as examining how Sweden could play a role in this as a non-permanent member of the Security Council in 2017 and 2018

Success of Joint Force Sahel depends on local actor engagement

Annelies Hickendorff looks at how the newly launched Joint Force Sahel requires-for success-a strong civilian component that focuses on development and governance through a bottom-up strategy promoting economic progress, alternative livelihoods, democratic civilian oversight, transparency and accountability.

Mine action in the era of the SDGs and sustaining peace

This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the Mine Ban Treaty. After two decades, however, there are continuing struggles against mines/ERWs and their effects on human security and development.

President Trump’s speech in Warsaw: Problematising ‘Western values’ and the case for inclusivity

On 6 July 2017, in his first major speech on foreign soil addressing security issues, President Donald Trump focused his attention on the need for states that constitute ‘the West’ to take the steps needed to address what the President labelled ‘dire threats to our security and to our way of life’.