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WritePeace blog

Making Health and Development Policy in a Ski Resort

Why do world leaders meet in the luxurious setting of Davos to discuss important economic issues—including many relating to health and development?

Science versus security: whoever wins loses

How much freedom do we allow scientists to have when playing with the world’s most deadly viruses?

AIDS in a time of Austerity

The Global Fund, the huge international organization that fights AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, will not give out funding until 2014, as donor countries reduce their contributions due to the economic crisis.

Flying between ministerial conferences

The Commonwealth provides a useful forum for diplomacy, particularly with regards to health and international aid.

On non-communicable diseases and security

The United Nations General Assembly recently held a high-level meeting on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable diseases—only the second time that a General Assembly has held a meeting on health.