SIPRI is an independent international institute dedicated to research into conflict, armaments, arms control and disarmament. Established in 1966, SIPRI provides data, analysis and recommendations, based on open sources.
© SIPRI 2025
Spyware as a service: Challenges in applying export controls to cloud-based cyber-surveillance software
States have varying understandings and practices when it comes to applying export controls to the provision of cyber-surveillance tools under a software-as-a-service model. The potential gaps and loopholes this leaves need to be addressed.
Dilemmas in the policy debate on autonomous weapon systems
Autonomous weapons systems raise profound questions about the human role in the use of force. How those questions get answered on the international stage, or whether they get answered at all, currently hangs in the balance.
Implications of the UN resolutions on ‘international cooperation on peaceful uses’: Balancing non-proliferation and economic development
This backgrounder assesses the motivations behind the support for a new United Nations General Assembly resolution and two predecessors, the concerns they have raised, and their potential impact on the regimes and global non-proliferation efforts.
Making the most of the EU catch-all control on cyber-surveillance exports
This backgrounder examines the EU Dual-use Regulation catch-all control and new guidelines intended to help exporters to comply with it.
How top arms exporters have responded to the war in Gaza
This backgrounder explores how the war in Gaza has affected the arms export policy and practice of six of the world’s top 10 exporters of major conventional arms.
NATO’s direct funding arrangements: Who decides and who pays?
This backgrounder looks at the principles and sharing mechanisms for these direct funding arrangements, with a focus on transparency and accountability.
Multilateral peace operations in 2023: Developments and trends
SIPRI presents its latest data on multilateral peace operations in 2023. This topical backgrounder summarizes the key findings of the new data along with important developments related to multilateral peace operations during the year.
China, Russia and the future of peacebuilding
Chinese and Russian approaches to peacebuilding are part of the evolving and indeed contested landscape of international peace and security. Understanding their impacts requires understanding the similarities and differences between them.
Military spending and development aid after the invasion of Ukraine
Both official development assistance and military spending have surged among OECD donor countries since February 2022. What role has Ukraine-related spending had in this rise and how have governments balanced spending priorities?
Small and micro launchers in the NewSpace era: New missile proliferation risks or more of the same?
This topical backgrounder seeks to create a better understanding of current trends in small and micro launchers and how they contribute to missile proliferation risks.