The independent resource on global security

Dr Vincent Boulanin

Programme Director

Dr Vincent Boulanin

Vincent Boulanin

Dr Vincent Boulanin is Director of the Governance of Artificial Intelligence Programme at SIPRI. His work focuses on issues related to the development, use and control of autonomy in weapon systems and military applications of artificial intelligence. He regularly presents his work to and engages with governments, United Nations bodies, international organization, and the media. Before joining SIPRI in 2014, he completed a doctorate in Political Science at École des Hautes en Sciences Sociales in Paris.

Subject expertise

Autonomous weapons systems; artificial intelligence and robotics; arms production; defence industry; cybersecurity and surveillance technologies; securitization theory and risk governance; and international political sociology

Regional expertise

Europe, especially France and Sweden

French, English, Swedish
External publications
  • Boulanin, V., and Lewis, D.A., Responsible reliance concerning development and use of AI in the military domainEthics Inf Technol 25, 8 (Feb 2023)
  • Boulanin, V., Regulating military AI will be difficult. Here’s a way forward, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (March 2021)
  • Boulanin, V., 'Mapping the Development of Autonomy in the Military Sphere', Paper presented during the United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons Informal Meeting of Experts on lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems. Published in Robin Geiß, Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems, Technology, Definitions, Ethics, Law and Security, (Federal Foreign Office of Germany: Berlin, 2016)
  • Boulanin, V. and Ogilvie White, T., 'Cyber Threats and Nuclear Dangers', CNND Policy Brief no 17 (November 2014).
  • Boulanin, V. and Bellais, R., "Toward a High-Tech Limes on the Edges of Europe? Managing the External Borders of the European Union", in Elisabeth Vallet (eds.), Fences, Wall, Borders: State of Insecurity, (Ashgate: 2014)