The independent resource on global security

Florian Erdle


Florian Erdle

Florian Erdle

Florian is an intern with the SIPRI Military Expenditure and Arms Production Programme.

He is pursuing a Master’s degree in International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs at Bologna University and studies Economics (M.Sc.) at the University of Hagen where he focuses on Econometrics.

Florian holds a B.A in Political Science and Economics from Heidelberg University where he was investigating the possibilities of wars between super powers and the capabilities of militaries and their procurements. He spend the last year of his Bachelor's at Durham University in England.

Prior to joining SIPRI he worked during his studies in the project European Repository for Cyber Incidents (EURepoC) and interned in the office of Christoph Schmid (MP – Member of Defence Committee) in the German Bundestag.

He is a Conflict Researcher for Colombia at the Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research.

Subject expertise

International Security, Military Economy, Guerilla Warfare

Regional expertise

Central-, West- and South-Europe, North America, Latin America

English, German and Spanish

M.A International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs, University of Bologna, Italy

M.Sc Economics, University of Hagen, Germany

B.A Political Science/Economics, Heidelberg University, Germany