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WritePeace blog

Voting under the gun: elections and conflict around the world

An 'election-violence' paradox: voting during civil conflict often leads to violence, but elections are often still considered a way to stabilize peace after a conflict ends.

Is terrorism an effective tool for obtaining territorial concessions?

Is terrorism an effective strategy for coercing a country to grant political and territorial concessions?

Heated debates but no consensus on climate change and violent conflict

The recent report by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) gives conflicting messages on the question of whether climate change leads to violent conflict.

Firms in conflict: adapt or perish

Being an entrepreneur in a developing country affected by a violent conflict situation seems almost impossible, but it is not.

Does corruption lead to bad incentives for investment?

If corruption is as widespread and costly as people suggest, we need better evidence on how much corruption there is and how it affects people's daily lives.

Future challenges in international maritime security

The International Maritime Security Conference showed that maritime security is vital for other forms of security.

Climate change and conflict in Indonesia

Despite the substantial number of studies, researchers have not yet come up with a general interpretation of the climate change–violence nexus.

Measuring conflict exposure in micro-level surveys

For a peacebuilding and reconstruction policy to succeed, it must consider how people are affected by war and violence.

China, India and the three Cs

The influence of conflict, competition and cooperation on China–India relations continues to produce an unbalanced power dynamic.

What next in research on the economics of violent conflict?

While we have growing amounts of data on the relationship between violent conflict and household welfare, the theory is still catching up.