The independent resource on global security

Aurélien Tobie

Senior Researcher and Activity Coordinator

Aurélien Tobie

Aurélien Tobie

Aurélien Tobie was a Senior Researcher and Activity Coordinator for the SIPRI Mali Civil Society and Peacebuilding Project. The project aims to contribute to sustainable peace in Mali and will support civil society involvement in the design and implementation of security policies.

Aurélien joined SIPRI in October 2016. He has previously worked at the European Union delegation in Mali, as a political adviser on reconciliation. In this position, he developed expertise on the local and national dynamics of conflict, and on community perception of armed groups during the crisis. He also wrote policy briefs on violent extremism, radicalization, gender and the link between stabilization and peace in Mali.

Other prior professional positions include postings as a policy analyst at the OECD, working on the New Deal for Fragile States, working for DFID as a conflict adviser and extensive experience as a trainer and facilitator on peacebuilding issues for International Alert.

His research interests include community perceptions of conflict and violence, responses to violent extremism, conflict and gender-sensitive development. He is also particularly interested in managing dialogues and facilitating participatory processes to advance conflict analysis and conflict response.

Subject expertise

Participatory approaches to peacebuilding, conflict analysis, violent extremism, conflict-sensitive development.

Regional expertise

West and central Africa

French, English

MscEcon International Politics, University of Wales; Diplome de l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Strasbourg

External publications
  • Tobie A., Résilience et nouveaux concepts de développement - changements en théorie et en pratique in Fragilité et résilience. Les nouvelles frontières de la mondialisation. Sous la direction de Jean Marc Chataigner. Editions Karthala, 2014
  • Tobie A., Healing Fractured Lives - Reconciliation and reintegration in Rwanda, International Alert, 2012
  • Nsengimana F, Van Kemenade E. and Tobie A., Strengthening local mediation efforts: lessons from Eastern DRC, International Alert, 2010
  • Tobie A., Formation de Formateur - Un manuel d'accompagnement des formateurs en consolidation de la paix, International Alert, 2010
  • Tobie A., Guide de résolution et de prévention des conflits fonciers, International Alert, 2010